use Tie::IxHash; my $columns = 50; use Text::Wrap qw( wrap $columns ); require SDBM_File; my %chat; my %chatorder; my @words = (); my $chat = "list.dbm"; # location of database my $imagedir = ""; # location of image directory (emoticons) tie %chat, "Tie::IxHash"; tie %chatorder, "Tie::IxHash"; tie (%chat, 'SDBM_File', $chat, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644) or die "Couldn’t tie SDBM file '$chat' $!; aborting";; foreach (reverse keys (%chatorder)) { my ( $name, $message, $time ) = split /::/, $chatorder{$_}; $name =~ s/$_/****/g for @words; # say goodbye to swear words $message =~ s/$_/****/g for @words; # say goodbye to swear words $message =~ s/:\)/\/g; # happy emoticon $message =~ s/:\(/\/g; # sad emoticon $message =~ s/:p/\/g; # tongue emoticon $message =~ s/:P/\/g; # tongue1 emoticon $message =~ s/:o/\/g; # oh emoticon $message = wrap('', '', $message); print Tr(td({-width=>'700'},"<$name @ $time>$message")), }