in reply to Searching file extensions

How about this (as an alternative to the File::Find answers)?

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use constant RECURSIVE => 1; sub find_files_in_dir { my ($dir,@extensions) = @_; my $match = join('|',@extensions); opendir(DIR,$dir) or die $!; my @files = map { $_->{name} . '.' . $_->{extension}; } grep { $_->{extension} =~ m/\A(?:$match)\Z/o if $_; } map { my $file_with_dir = $dir . '/' . $_; if( -f $file_with_dir ){ { name => $1, extension => $2} if m/\A(.*?)\.(.*?)\Z/o; }elsif( RECURSIVE && -d $file_with_dir ){ map { {name => $1, extension => $2} if m/\A(.*?)\.(.*?)\Z/o; } find_files_in_dir($file_with_dir , @extensions ); } } grep { !m/\A(?:\.+)\Z/o } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); return @files; } my @files = find_files_in_dir( '.', qw( html pl pm ) ); print Dumper(\@files),"\n";

Update: Added recursion

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