$ftp->rget( map{($_, 1)} @ARGV); #### ----------------> CODE <---------------- #!/usr/bin/perl use Net::FTP::Recursive; #################################################################### # will assume just a few args, as well as validity. #################################################################### usage() unless @ARGV >= 5; $host = shift; $username = shift; $passwd = shift; $remote_path = shift; #where to grab from $local_path = shift; #where to put dir structure on local box. chdir $local_path or die "could not change dir to $local_path!"; $ftp = Net::FTP::Recursive->new($host, Debug => 1); $ftp->login($username, $passwd) or die "Could not log in!"; $ftp->binary(); $ftp->cwd($remote_path); $ftp->rget( map{($_, 1)} @ARGV); $ftp->quit; sub usage { my($name) = $0; $name =~ s#.*/##; print STDERR "Usage: $name \n"; exit; }