Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info coldhawk
Description: This is very simple Gtk+ GUI program. like the name says run a program...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# very simple run program gui using Gtk-Perl

use strict;

use Gtk;
init Gtk;

my $console       =  "xterm -e";     # use common terminal emulator xt
+erm for X by default.
my $history_file  =  $ENV{HOME};     # get users home directory where 
+we store the history file.
my $use_history   =  1;              # if you want to use history file
+ for commands you have ran.
my $exit_on_run   =  1;              # exit this program after started
+ the command.
my $check_all     =  0;              # check history file for same ent
+ries and don't add if already found.
my @history       =  ("");
my (

if ($use_history && !-e "$history_file/.perlrun_history") {
open (FILE, ">$history_file/.perlrun_history") || die("$!");
seek (FILE, 0, 0);
print FILE "\n";
close (FILE);

$window         = new Gtk::Window('toplevel');               # new Gtk
+ window.
$table          = new Gtk::Table('4', '1', '0');             # new Gtk
+ table.
$checkbutton    = new Gtk::CheckButton('Open in terminal');  # new Gtk
+ check button with label.
$hseparator     = new Gtk::HSeparator;                       # new Gtk
+ horizontal separator.
$combo          = new Gtk::Combo;                            # new Gtk
+ Combo.
$hbuttonbox     = new Gtk::HButtonBox;                       # new Gtk
+ horizontal button box.
$ok_button      = new Gtk::Button();                         # new Gtk
+ button.
$cancel_button  = new Gtk::Button();                         # new Gtk
+ button.
$tooltip        = new Gtk::Tooltips();                       # new Gtk
+ tooltips.

# main Gtk window attributes.
$window->signal_connect("destroy", sub { Gtk->exit( 0 ); } );
$window->set_title('what should we run...');
$window->set_policy('0', '1', '0');
$window->set_usize('290', '87');

# Gtk table attributes.

# Gtk check button attributes.

# check if history file use is enabled and read the file into the @his
+tory array.
if ($use_history && -e "$history_file/.perlrun_history") {
open (FILE, "$history_file/.perlrun_history") || die("$!");
@history = reverse <FILE>;
chomp @history;
close (FILE);

# Gtk combo box attributes.

if ($use_history) {

# Gtk horizontal button box attributes.
$hbuttonbox->set_child_size('75', '25');
$hbuttonbox->set_child_ipadding('7', '0');

# Gtk ok button attributes.
$ok_button->signal_connect('clicked',  sub { &run; });

# Gtk cancel button attributes.
$cancel_button->signal_connect('clicked',  sub { Gtk->exit(0); } );

# Gtk tooltips attributes.
$tooltip->set_tip($checkbutton, "Check this of you want to run it usin
+g terminal.", "");

# insert everything into the table.
$table->attach($combo,       '0', '1', '0', '1', ['expand', 'fill'], [
+], '0', '0');
$table->attach($checkbutton, '0', '1', '1', '2', ['fill'], [], '0', '0
$table->attach($hseparator,  '0', '1', '2', '3', ['fill'], [], '0', '0
$table->attach($hbuttonbox,  '0', '1', '3', '4', ['expand', 'fill', 's
+hrink'], [], '0', '0');


main Gtk;

# this is called when you press the OK button...

sub run {
$program = $combo->entry->get_text();
$log = $program;

if (defined $program && $program =~ /\S/) {
$program =~ s/([\n\&;#\`\-'\\\/\|"*?~<>^\(\)\[\]\{\}\$])/\\$1/g;

if ($checkbutton->active) {
$program = "$console $program";

$program .= "&";

if ($use_history) {

open (FILE, "+<$history_file/.perlrun_history") || die ("$!");
seek (FILE, 0, 0);
my @data = reverse <FILE>;
chomp @data;

foreach $current (@data) {
if (!$check_all) {
if ($current ne "$log") {
$found = 0;
if ($current eq "$log") {
$found = 1;
$found = 0;
if (!$found) {
seek (FILE, 0, 1);
print FILE "$log\n";
close (FILE);


if ($exit_on_run) {