#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use Pod::Usage; my ( # options $verbose, $debug, $file, @columns, ); $file= 'default.txt'; help() unless GetOptions( 'v' => \$verbose, 'verbose!' => \$verbose, 'debug+' => \$debug, 'file=s' => \$file, 'c|column=i' => \@columns, 'h|help' => \&help, 'm|man' => \&man, ); sub help { pod2usage(-verbose=>1); } sub man { pod2usage(-verbose=>2); } print "OKAY\n"; # Program goes here... =head1 NAME Getopt::Long / Pod::Usage skeleton =head1 SYNOPSIS skeleton.pl [options] =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a skeleton I use when creating a new perl script =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-v> verbose outoput =item B<-d> =item B<-debug> debug mode =item B<-file> F specify the file to work with =back =head1 BUGS none yet =head1 TODO much =cut