This little program grabs a user's homenode using the XML displaytype, extracts the scratchpad contents, and displays it on STDOUT. The user's name is taken from the command line. Redirection can be used to save to a file.

Other similar programs I found with super search:

Uses URI, LWP::Simple, and XML::Simple.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # # author: [pfaut] # download code from a perlmonks user's scratchpad # # Usage: perl username # # extracts the scratchpad contents from the xml representation of # the user's homenode and writes it to STDOUT # use strict; use URI; use LWP::Simple; use XML::Simple; my $user = shift; if (!$user) { print "Usage: $0 <username>\n"; exit; } my $uri = URI->new(""); $uri->query_form(node=>$user,type=>"user",displaytype=>"xml"); my $xml = get($uri) or die "Unable to access page"; my $parsed = XMLin($xml); die "$user is not a user\n" unless $parsed->{type}{content} =~ /\buser\b/; my $pad = $parsed; for (qw(data field scratchpad content)) { die "${user}'s scratchpad unavailable\n" unless exists $pad->{$_}; $pad = $pad->{$_}; } $pad =~ s/^\r?\n//; print $pad;