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Re: regex for classless IP subnets

by kal (Hermit)
on Mar 24, 2003 at 19:57 UTC ( [id://245516]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to regex for classless IP subnets

If you want to avoid the overhead of a full module, you could probably to it with two functions. First, something to convert IP addresses into integers, like:

sub ip_2_int { my ($ip) = @_; $ip =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ or die "$ip is an invalid address"; return ($1<<24)|($2<<16)|($3<<8)|$4; }

Then, you just want to compare the network parts of the IP address with the network address. So, obviously you need to create the netmask (i.e., /16 is (2**16)-1, I think?), and then just compare the numbers, i.e.:

if (($ipaddress|$netmask)==$network) { # then $ipaddress is in the range $network/$netmask defines }

You could obviously wrap that in a common function, perhaps something like:

sub isInNetwork { my ($cidr_str, $ipaddress_str) = @_; my ($network_str, $netmask_str) = split ('/', $cidr_str); my ($network, $ip) = (ip_2_int ($network_str), ip_2_int ($ipaddress_str)); return ($network==($ip|(2**$network-1)); } print " is in 10/8!\n" if isInNetwork ('', '');

Or something (much more error checking would of course be required ;). That's off the bat, unfortunately I don't have access to a Perl right now :/ But, I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be sufficiently complex to require a regex - remember, C programmers use IP addresses (socket.h), so it's can't be very difficult.

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