Dear Monks,

Do you want to make your comments to an old node more visible? Here is an idea.
Concept: Live Nodes:
Use: Visibility to Still Interesting Discussions and Contributions
Description: It would be helpful to see what's added in the monastery. If a monk decides to add a comment to a node which is somewhat old, current visibility is:

  • Author of the parent node is notified
  • Shows up as a 'Note' in the newest node
  • Search for something and happen to visit that node
  • Had Bookmarked the parent node and happen to visit it.

    Idea is to provide the visibility for such items even after you clear your newest nodes. Also if you are adding something, you can get feedback on that too as you node now will be more visible.

    • A. Any Node has timestamp
    • B. A Node may have reply
    • C. Every reply Node has a parent node
    • D. Node could be parent node or reply node.

    Parent Node(N) and Replys(R)
    Node Table in the monstery Table A
       N1 => 1	 R11 => 2  R12 => 6  R13 => 14
       N2 => 3       R21 => 10 R22 => 7 
       N3 => 8       R31 => 9  R32 => 15
       N4 => 11      R41 => 12 R42 => 19
       N5 => 16      R51 => 18
       N6 => 20

    Assuming Current Timestamp: 20
    Sorting by Largest Timestamp Differences for all parent nodes
    Table B

       R12 - N1 => 13
       R42 - N4 => 8
       R32 - N3 => 7
       R22 - N2 => 7
       R51 - N5 => 2
       Current-N6 = 0
    Filtering Above within last x= '5' units of time
    Current - x = 20- 5 = 15.
    So Taking only data where timestamp > 15 from 'Table A'

    Table C

      N3 => 8	R32 => 15
      N4 => 11      R42 => 19
      N5 => 16      R51 => 18
      N6 => 20
    Sorting by Largest Timestamp Difference for all parent nodes where timestamp of parent or the reply node is > 15
    Table D
    TS     Reply Parent Difference
    19     R42 - N4 => 8
    15     R32 - N3 => 7
    18     R51 - N5 => 2	     
    20     Current-N6 = 0  
    To be Displayed (Sorted by Timestamp differences)

    Table E
    TS_Difference   Reply  TS
    8		R42    19(11)
    7		R32    15(8)
    2		R51    18(16)
    0		(N6)   (20)
    Sample Observation:R32 which had parent node at timestamp 8 (12 timestamps ago) is still seems live.

    Notes:By sorting in such fashion, we give visibility to the nodes which still seems interesting to the community members. We can employ other sort/search mechanism here if more useful.

    Request:Your input about the idea and implementation.
