in reply to Tk/Perl Command

Tk has limitations, but not this one;-).

In this case, you have to pass the widget into your sub. For example:
#!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; use strict; use constant BUTTON_WIDTH => 20; my $mw = new MainWindow(title => "demo"); my $button = $mw->Button(text => "color", width => BUTTON_WIDTH) ->pack; $mw->Button(text => "red", width => BUTTON_WIDTH, command => sub {change_color($button, "red")}) ->pack; $mw->Button(text => "green", width => BUTTON_WIDTH, command => sub {change_color($button, "green")}) ->pack; MainLoop; sub change_color { my ($widget, $color) = @_; $widget->configure(background => $color); }