I've been looking for some way of making HTTP::Daemon work over SSL. I could find this thread very useful, but most of the given solutions implied patching, stopping it from serving as a regular http daemon.

The trick here is simply to dynamically change the inheritance of HTTP::Daemon to make it an heir of IO::Socket::SSL instead of IO::Socket::INET

use HTTP::Daemon; use IO::Socket::SSL; @HTTP::Daemon::ISA = qw/ IO::Socket::SSL /; @HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn::ISA = qw/ IO::Socket::SSL /; my $server = new HTTP::Daemon SSL_cert_file => 'cert.pem', SSL_key_file => '', LocalPort => 443, ReuseAddr => 1, ; while ( my $client = $server->accept() ) { ... $client->close(SSL_no_shutdown => 1); } $server->close(SSL_no_shutdown => 1);