in reply to error calling MySQL from Perl

I think the qq// needs to be replaced with parenthesis. That's inside the quoted string so perl isn't going to do anything special with it. What's trying to happen there is a subselect which your version of MySQL may not support unless it is very recent. The subselect should be in parethesis. Try the following.

$rows = $dbh->do("UPDATE checkin SET destination = (SELECT destination FROM checkin WHERE firstname='Henry' AND lastname='Rollins') WHERE firstname='Bill' AND lastname='Gates' ") || die "Couldn't insert record : $DBI::errstr";
--- print map { my ($m)=1<<hex($_)&11?' ':''; $m.=substr('AHJPacehklnorstu',hex($_),1) } split //,'2fde0abe76c36c914586c';