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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: perlcheat

by TheDamian (Vicar)
on Feb 24, 2003 at 22:10 UTC ( [id://238262]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Re: Re: perlcheat
in thread perlcheat

I wouldn't call that "the vast majority".

The bits that are the same:

void $scalar @array %hash scalar @array @array[0, 2] list %hash &sub number, string, reference, undef \ references $@%& dereference [] anon. arrayref {} anon. hashref \() list of refs = = + ++ -- == != eq ne ** < > <= >= lt gt le ge ! \ u+ u- <=> cmp !~ * / % x + - . for (LIST) { }, while ( ) { }, until ( ) { } named uops if ( ) { } elsif ( ) { } else { } < > <= >= lt gt le ge unless ( ) { } elsif ( ) { } else { } == != <=> eq ne cmp && ^ string begin || .. + one or more * zero or more = += -= *= etc. ? zero or one , list ops () capture not and \s == [\x20\f\t\r\n] or xor | alternation \w == [A-Za-z0-9_] \b word boundary \d == [0-9] \S, \W and \D negate use strict; use warnings; "$foo" my $var; $$variable_name open() or die $!; `$userinput` use Modules; /$userinput/ stat localtime caller 0 dev 0 second 0 package $_ default variable 1 ino 1 minute 1 filename 2 mode 2 hour 2 line 3 nlink 3 day 3 subroutine 4 uid 4 month-1 4 hasargs 5 gid 5 year-1900 5 wantarray 6 rdev 6 weekday 6 evaltext 7 size 7 yearday 7 is_require 8 atime 8 is_dst 8 hints 9 mtime 9 bitmask @ARGV command line args 10 ctime just use @INC include paths 11 blksz POSIX:: 3..9 only @_ subroutine args 12 blcks strftime! with EXPR %ENV environment

The bits that differ:

@hash{'a', 'b'} $array[0] $hash{'a'} *glob glob $$foo[1] aka $foo->[1] * dereference $$foo{bar} aka $foo->{bar} ${$$foo[1]}[2] aka $foo->[1]->[2] ${$$foo[1]}[2] aka $foo->[1][2] -> . ~ =~ << >> for equals foreach (ALWAYS) & | ^ /i case insens. $ str. end (before \n) /m line based ^$ ... /s . includes \n ?: /x ign. /g global => {3,7} repeat in range (?:) no capture . == [^\n] [] character clas \z string end $0 program name $/ input separator $\ output separator $| autoflush $! sys/libcall error $@ eval error $$ process ID $. line number

So 153 of the 194 Perl features listed in the cheatsheet (congratulations on packing that much in, by the way!) are the same for Perl 6. That's 79% unchanged. I would call that a "vast majority".

And, yes, I'm counting the for, if, while, etc. syntaxes as being the same. Sure, the parens are optional but that just means you can go on using them exactly as you do now (i.e. no change required).

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: perlcheat
by Juerd (Abbot) on Feb 24, 2003 at 23:03 UTC

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