As I write this, it's nearly 1 AM. My company is moving to new office space next weekend, and I've just finished packing up my office. I've been working in this room, at this desk, for almost nine years. It's time to reflect a bit on the time I've spent here, in what I consider a very blessed space.

This job, and this office came to me when I was just about burned out from a stint at an struggling, understaffed telemarketer. I got a chance to catch my breath, work a normal week, and learn the hotel industry. Since it was a small shop, I got to do programming, system administration, database administration, and even work with the phone system. I've found my vocation in administration, and my avocation in programming. I get to do what I love to do every day. I am very grateful for that.

I've learned to handle myself professionally. I've worked with great teammates who have helped me understand what a joy a highly functioning team could be. I've also worked with a couple of bullies, and eventually learned to stand up to them. I've made mistakes, been disciplined, and proved that I could learn from them. I'm more confident about my work, but also more careful.

My personal life has been lived out in this space too. I've been divorced and re-married. When things got too ugly at home, my office sometimes became a sanctuary. One of the most healing and forgiving conversations I've ever had took place here on the phone on a Friday night long ago. I had the privilege of meeting a co-worker who became my friend and mentor, and the pain of losing them to illness. Lots of laughter was heard in this room, and more than a few tears were shed.

My favorite perl moment in this room was in 1999, when I bought my copy of the llama and left it on my desk. One of my more bullying co-workers saw the book on my desk, picked it up, and said "Why do want to learn a dead language!. Learn Java!" He's gone now. I'm still here. My boss loves perl. :)

And so it's time to go. There's a new space for me, smaller and less private, but still mine. I still have the thirst to learn, to teach, and to serve. Maybe the biggest lesson I've learned here is that it's not where I do my work, but what I do and how I do it that's most important. Thanks for reading an old monk's rant. I thank God for my time in this blessed space.

Code On!