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by PipTigger (Hermit)
on Jul 21, 2000 at 09:28 UTC ( [id://23543]=perlcraft: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

   1: #!/usr/bin/perl -w
   3: #I didn't intend for something so long to end up on the
   4: # frontpage.  I'd keep it in Craft if I could.  Sorry.
   6: #PipsPerlMonksThemer - PPMT
   7: # You can play with this craft at
   8: #  Please do... and tell me what you thinq. =)
  10: use CGI ":standard";
  11: use LWP::UserAgent;
  13: my $this = "";
  14: my $filp = "/home/httpd/html/ppmt/filters/";
  15: my $favs = "/home/httpd/html/ppmt/favoritz.txt";
  16: my $meth = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
  17: my $quer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
  18: my $what = param("whattodo");
  19: my $monk = param("wichmonk");
  20: my $site = "";
  21: my $srch = "PerlMonks";
  23: my $wich = param("wichfilt");
  24: my $nick = param("wichnick");
  25: my $uage = new LWP::UserAgent;
  26: my @flis = glob("$filp*");
  27:    $uage->agent("AgentName/0.1 " . $uage->agent);
  28: my $requ = "";
  29: my $resp = "";
  32: print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
  34: if ($quer ne "") {
  35:     if ($quer =~ /^filt=([^&]*)&/) { $filt = $1; $quer =~ s/^filt=[^&]*&//; }
  36:     if ($quer !~ /^http\:\/\//) { $quer = "http://" . $quer; }
  37:     $requ = new HTTP::Request GET => "$quer";
  38:     $resp = $uage->request($requ);
  39:     if ($resp->is_success) {
  40:         $cont = $resp->content;
  41:         $foun = 0;
  42:         open FILE, "<$filp$filt";
  43:         while (<FILE>) {
  44:             chomp ($parm = $_);
  45:             chomp ($sour = <FILE>);
  46:             chomp ($dest = <FILE>);
  47:             $quer =~ s/(.*\/).*/$1/;
  48:             $dest =~ s/\{\$quer\}/$quer/;
  49:             if ($filt eq "randomal") {
  50:                 $whol = $sour;
  51:                 if ($whol =~ /((color="?\#?|\w+="?\#|\w+=")([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})"?)/i) {
  52:                     $redv = $3; $grnv = $4; $bluv = $5;
  53:                     $nred = sprintf "%lx", (rand(255));
  54:                     $ngrn = sprintf "%lx", (rand(255));
  55:                     $nblu = sprintf "%lx", (rand(255));
  56:                     if (length($nred) == 1) { $nred = "0" . $nred; }
  57:                     if (length($ngrn) == 1) { $ngrn = "0" . $ngrn; }
  58:                     if (length($nblu) == 1) { $nblu = "0" . $nblu; }
  59:                     $whol =~ s/(color="?\#?|\w+="?\#)$redv$grnv$bluv"?/$1/i;
  60:                     $whol =~ s/="?\#?/="\#/i;
  61:                     #$whol =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
  62:                     $nred =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
  63:                     $ngrn =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
  64:                     $nblu =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
  65:                     $whol .= "$nred$ngrn$nblu\"";
  66:                     $dest = $whol;
  67:                 }
  68:             }
  69:             $dlis[$foun] = $dest;
  70:             if ($foun < 1024) {
  71:                 if ($parm =~ /g/i) {
  72:                     if ($parm =~ /i/i) {
  73:                         $cont =~ s/$sour/SoUr${foun}dEsT/gi;
  74:                     } else {
  75:                         $cont =~ s/$sour/SoUr${foun}dEsT/g;
  76:                     }
  77:                 } else {
  78:                     if ($parm =~ /i/i) {
  79:                         $cont =~ s/$sour/SoUr${foun}dEsT/i;
  80:                     } else {
  81:                         $cont =~ s/$sour/SoUr${foun}dEsT/;
  82:                     }
  83:                 }
  84:                 $foun++;
  85:             }
  86:         }
  87:         while ($foun) {
  88:             $foun--;
  89:             if ($parm =~ /g/i) {
  90:                 if ($parm =~ /i/i) {
  91:                     $cont =~ s/SoUr${foun}dEsT/$dlis[$foun]/gi;
  92:                 } else {
  93:                     $cont =~ s/SoUr${foun}dEsT/$dlis[$foun]/g;
  94:                 }
  95:             } else {
  96:                 if ($parm =~ /i/i) {
  97:                     $cont =~ s/SoUr${foun}dEsT/$dlis[$foun]/i;
  98:                 } else {
  99:                     $cont =~ s/SoUr${foun}dEsT/$dlis[$foun]/;
 100:                 }
 101:             }
 102:         }
 103:         $foun = 1;
 104:         close FILE;
 105:         print $cont;
 106:     } else { print "Bad luck this time\n"; }
 107: } elsif ($what && $what ne "creafilt" && $what ne "delefilt") {
 108:     if ($what eq "mangfavs" || $what eq "updtfavs" || $what eq "add2favs") {
 109:         print "<html><head><title>PPMT v1.0</title></head>\n";
 110:         print "<body bgcolor=\"#03071b\" text=\"#03feab\"><center>\n";
 111:         print "<h1><a href=\"$this\">PPMT v1.0 ndx</a></h1>\n";
 112:         print "<h2>Favorites</h2>\n";
 113:         if ($what eq "add2favs") {
 114:             open FILE, "<$favs";
 115:             @fvls = <FILE>;
 116:             close FILE;
 117:             @chos = split /\s/, $fvls[0];
 118:             @cvlz = split /\s/, $fvls[1];
 119:             if ($nick !~ /\#?[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}/) { $wich = "Black"; $nick = "#000000"; }
 120:             if ($nick !~ /^\#/) { $nick = "\#" . $nick; }
 121:             if ($wich !~ /\w+/) { $wich = "Black"; }
 122:             $wich =~ s/\n//g; $nick =~ s/\n//g;
 123:             $chos[$#chos] = "$wich"; $chos[@chos] = "end\n";
 124:             $cvlz[$#cvlz] = "$nick"; $cvlz[@cvlz] = "end\n";
 125:             $fvls[0] = " " . join ' ', @chos;
 126:             $fvls[1] = " " . join ' ', @cvlz;
 127:             $fvls[@fvls] = "$wich\n";
 128:             $fvls[@fvls] = "$nick\n";
 129: print "<h2>Adding <i>$wich</i> with value <i>$nick</i> to Favorites!</h2>\n";
 130:             open FILE, ">$favs";
 131:             foreach (@fvls) { print FILE $_; }
 132:             close FILE;
 133:         } elsif ($what eq "updtfavs") {
 134: print "<h2>Updating Favorites!</h2>\n";
 135:             open FILE, "<$favs";
 136:             @fvls = <FILE>;
 137:             close FILE;
 138:             $fvls[0] = " ";
 139:             $fvls[1] = " ";
 140:             $coun = 2;
 141:             while ($fvls[$coun]) {
 142:                 chomp ($kaka = $fvls[$coun++]);
 143:                 if (param("ChooseColor$kaka") eq "YES") {
 144:                     $fvls[0] .= "$kaka ";
 145:                     chomp ($kaka = $fvls[$coun++]);
 146:                     $fvls[1] .= "$kaka ";
 147:                 }
 148:             }
 149:             $fvls[0] .= "end\n";
 150:             $fvls[1] .= "end\n";
 151:             open FILE, ">$favs";
 152:             foreach (@fvls) { print FILE $_; }
 153:             close FILE;
 154:         }
 155:         print "<table border=\"1\"><tr><td>Choose<td>Name<td>Value<td>Example\n";
 156:         print "<td>\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;<td>Choose<td>Name<td>Value<td>Example</tr>\n";
 157:         print "<form action=\"$this\" method=\"post\">\n";
 158:         print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whattodo\" value=\"updtfavs\">\n";
 159:         open FILE, "<$favs";
 160:         $fnmz = <FILE>;
 161:         $fvlz = <FILE>;
 162:         while (<FILE>) {
 163:             chomp;
 164:             print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ChooseColor$_\" value=\"YES\"";
 165:             if ($fnmz =~ /\s$_\s/) { print " checked"; }
 166:             print ">\n<td>$_<td>";
 167:             chomp ($_ = <FILE>);
 168:             print "$_<td bgcolor=\"$_\">\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;<td>\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\n";
 169:             if ($_ = <FILE>) {
 170: #                chomp ($_ = <FILE>);
 171:                 chomp;
 172:                 print "<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ChooseColor$_\" value=\"YES\"";
 173:                 if ($fnmz =~ /\s$_\s/) { print " checked"; }
 174:                 print ">\n<td>$_<td>";
 175:                 chomp ($_ = <FILE>);
 176:                 print "$_<td bgcolor=\"$_\">\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;\n";
 177:             }
 178:         }
 179:         close FILE;
 180:         print "</table><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Update Favorites\"></form>\n";
 181:         print "<form action=\"$this\" method=\"post\">\n";
 182:         print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whattodo\" value=\"add2favs\">\n";
 183:         print "Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"wichfilt\"><br>\n";
 184:         print "Value: <input type=\"text\" name=\"wichnick\"><br>\n";
 185:         print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Add Choice\"></form>\n";
 186:         print "<br><h1><a href=\"$this\">PPMT v1.0 ndx</a></h1>\n";
 187:         print "</body></html>\n";
 188:     } else {
 189:         print "<html><head><title>PPMT v1.0</title></head>\n";
 190:         print "<body bgcolor=\"#03071b\" text=\"#03feab\"><center>\n";
 191:         print "<h1><a href=\"$this\">PPMT v1.0 ndx</a></h1>\n";
 192:         if ($what eq "updtseti") {
 193:             $filt = $wich;
 194:             $filt =~ s/^.*\///;
 195:             print "<h2>Updating Filter: <i>$filt</i>!</h2>\n";
 196:             open FILE, ">$wich";
 197:             $wich =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)/$1/;
 198:             $clim = param("filtcoun");
 199:             $coun = 1;
 200:             $blok = "";
 201:             while ($coun <= $clim) {
 202:                 $parm = param("pArM${coun}PaRm") . param("pAr2${coun}PaR2");
 203:                 $sour = param("sOuR${coun}SoUr");
 204:                 $dest = param("dEsT${coun}DeSt");
 205:                 if (param("pIcK${coun}PiCk") ne "") {
 206:                     $turd = param("pIcK${coun}PiCk");
 207:                     if ($turd =~ /"\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}"/) {
 208:                         $dest =~ s/"\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}"/$turd/;
 209:                     }
 210:                 }
 211:                 if ($sour ne "") {
 212:                     if ($sour =~ /^"\#?[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}"$/) {
 213:                         if ($dest !~ /^"\#?[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}"$/) {
 214:                             if ($dest =~ /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/) {
 215:                                 $turd = $1;
 216:                                 $turd = "0" x (6-length($turd)) . $turd;
 217:                                 $dest = "\"\#$turd\"";
 218:                             }
 219:                         }
 220:                     }
 221:                     $sour =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
 222:                     $sour =~ s/&quot;/"/g;
 223:                     $sour =~ s/&lt;/</g;
 224:                     $sour =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
 225:                     $sour =~ s/&brvbar;/\|/g;
 226:                     $dest =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
 227:                     $dest =~ s/&quot;/"/g;
 228:                     $dest =~ s/&lt;/</g;
 229:                     $dest =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
 230:                     $dest =~ s/&brvbar;/\|/g;
 231:                     if ($parm =~ /i/i) {
 232:                         if ($blok !~ /\s$coun\s/) {
 233:                             if ($parm =~ /g/i) { print FILE "g"; }
 234:                             print FILE "i\n$sour\n$dest\n";
 235:                         }
 236:                         $pcou = $coun;
 237:                         while (++$pcou < $clim) {
 238:                             if ($sour eq param("sOuR${pcou}SoUr")) { $blok .= " $pcou "; }
 239:                         }
 240:                     } else {
 241:                         if ($parm =~ /g/i) { print FILE "g"; }
 242:                         if ($blok !~ /\s$coun\s/) {
 243:                             print FILE "\n$sour\n$dest\n";
 244:                         }
 245:                     }
 246:                 }
 247:                 $coun++;
 248:             }
 249:             close FILE;
 250:             $wich = $filp . $wich;
 251:         }
 252:         open FILE, "<$favs";
 253:         chomp ($kaka = <FILE>);
 254:         chomp ($poop = <FILE>);
 255:         close FILE;
 256:         @chos = split /\s/, $kaka; $#chos--; @cvlz = split /\s/, $poop; $#cvlz--;
 257:         $coun = 0;
 258:         while ($coun < @chos) {
 259:             $optn .= "<option value=\"&quot;$cvlz[$coun]&quot;\">$chos[$coun]\n";
 260:             $coun++;
 261:         }
 262:         print "<h2>Settings for <i>$filt</i>:</h2>\n";
 263:         print "<form action=\"$this\" method=\"post\">\n";
 264:         print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whattodo\" value=\"updtseti\">\n";
 265:         print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wichfilt\" value=\"$wich\">\n";
 266:         print "<table border=\"1\"><tr><td>Source<td>Destination<td>Global?<td>Ignore Case?\n";
 267:         open FILE, "<$wich";
 268:         $wich =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)/$1/;
 269:         $coun = 1;
 270:         while (<FILE>) {
 271:             chomp ($parm = $_);
 272:             print "<tr><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"sOuR${coun}SoUr\" value=";
 273:             chomp ($kaka = <FILE>);
 274:             $kaka =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
 275:             $kaka =~ s/</&lt;/g;
 276:             $kaka =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
 277:             $kaka =~ s/\|/&brvbar;/g;
 278: #            $kaka =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
 279:             print "\"$kaka\">\n<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"dEsT${coun}DeSt\" value=";
 280:             chomp ($kaka = <FILE>);
 281:             $kaka =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
 282:             $kaka =~ s/</&lt;/g;
 283:             $kaka =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
 284:             $kaka =~ s/\|/&brvbar;/g;
 285: #            $kaka =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
 286:             if ($kaka =~ /^&quot;\#?[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}&quot;$/) { $kaka =~ tr/a-f/A-F/; }
 287:             print "\"$kaka\">\n";
 288:             if ($coun < 8 && $kaka =~ /(&quot;\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}&quot;)/) { #1024
 289:                 $turd = $1; $poop = $optn; if ($poop =~ /="$turd">/i) { $poop =~ s/(="$turd")>/$1 selected>/i; }
 290:                 print "<select name=\"pIcK${coun}PiCk\"><option>$poop</select>\n";
 291:             }
 292:             print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"pArM${coun}PaRm\" value=\"g\"";
 293:             if ($parm =~ /g/i) { print " checked"; }
 294:             print ">\n";
 295:             print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"pAr2${coun}PaR2\" value=\"i\"";
 296:             if ($parm =~ /i/i) { print " checked"; }
 297:             print ">\n";
 298:             $coun++;
 299:         }
 300:         close FILE;
 301:         print "<tr><th colspan=\"4\">Create New Filter<tr><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"sOuR${coun}SoUr\">\n";
 302:         print "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"dEsT${coun}DeSt\">\n";
 303:         print "<select name=\"pIcK${coun}PiCk\"><option>$optn</select>\n";
 304:         print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"pArM${coun}PaRm\" value=\"g\">\n";
 305:         print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"pAr2${coun}PaR2\" value=\"i\">\n";
 306:         print "</table><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filtcoun\" value=\"$coun\">\n";
 307:         print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Update Settings\"></form>\n";
 308:         print "<br><h1><a href=\"$this\">PPMT v1.0 ndx</a></h1>\n";
 309:         print "</body></html>\n";
 310:     }
 311: } else {
 312:     print "<html><head><title>PPMT v1.0</title></head>\n";
 313:     print "<body bgcolor=\"#03071b\" text=\"#03feab\"><center>\n";
 314:     print "<h1><a href=\"$this\">PPMT v1.0 ndx</a></h1>\n";
 315:     print "<h3>This is PipsPerlMonksThemer.  Please create a new theme.</h3>\n";
 316:     print "<h3>See my settings for examples below.  Please also be courteous and refrain from changing other Monk\'s settings.  If you wish to experiment without creating a new theme, please use the AnonymousMonk theme.  Also note (thanks to Aighearach) when you login, your password is sent directly to so your theme settings will be discarded once you login.  I mainly intended this to be a theme specification tool so that we could define and preview different themes for potential implementation as genuine user options.  Thank you very much.</h3>\n";
 317:     print "<h3>Email me (<a href=\"mailto:pip\\">PipTigger</a>) if you have any comments or recommendations.  TTFN.</h3>\n";
 318:     if ($what eq "creafilt") {
 319:         if ($monk eq "") {
 320:             $monk = "AnonymousMonk";
 321:             unlink "$filp$monk";
 322:             print "<h2>Auto-Deleted && Created New Theme For: <i>AnonymousMonk</i>!</h2>\n";
 323:         } else {
 324:             $monk =~ s/\W//g;
 325:         }
 326:         open FILE, ">$filp$monk";
 327:         $requ = new HTTP::Request GET => "$site";
 328:         $resp = $uage->request($requ);
 329:         if ($resp->is_success) {
 330:             $cont = $resp->content;
 331:             while ($cont =~ /((color="?\#?|\w+="?\#|\w+=")([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})"?)/i) {
 332:                 $whol = $owhl = $1; $redv = $3; $grnv = $4; $bluv = $5;
 333:                 print FILE "\n$whol\n";
 334:                 if (param("autodata")) {
 335:                     if (param("autodata") eq "inverted") {
 336:                         $nred = sprintf "%lx", (255-hex("$redv"));
 337:                         $ngrn = sprintf "%lx", (255-hex("$grnv"));
 338:                         $nblu = sprintf "%lx", (255-hex("$bluv"));
 339:                     } else {
 340:                         $nred = sprintf "%lx", (rand(255));
 341:                         $ngrn = sprintf "%lx", (rand(255));
 342:                         $nblu = sprintf "%lx", (rand(255));
 343:                     }
 344:                     if (length($nred) == 1) { $nred = "0" . $nred; }
 345:                     if (length($ngrn) == 1) { $ngrn = "0" . $ngrn; }
 346:                     if (length($nblu) == 1) { $nblu = "0" . $nblu; }
 347:                     $whol =~ s/(color="?\#?|\w+="?\#)$redv$grnv$bluv"?/$1/i;
 348:                     $whol =~ s/="?\#?/="\#/i;
 349:                     #$whol =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
 350:                     $nred =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
 351:                     $ngrn =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
 352:                     $nblu =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
 353:                     $whol .= "$nred$ngrn$nblu\"";
 354:                 } 
 355:                 print FILE "$whol\n";
 356:                 $cont =~ s/$owhl//;
 357:             }
 358: 	    print FILE "\n<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"\"\n<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"\n";
 359: 	    print FILE "\n<FORM METHOD=\"POST\"\n<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"\n";
 360:             if (param("autodata") eq "randomal") {
 361:                 $monk = "randomal";
 362:             }
 363:             if ($cont =~ /href=("?)$site\//i) {
 364:                 $sour = $1;
 365:                 print FILE "gi\nhref=$sour$site/\nhref=$sour$this?filt=$monk&$site/\n";
 366:                 $cont =~ s/href=$sour$site\///gi;
 367:             }
 368:             if ($cont =~ /href=("?)\//i) {
 369:                 $sour = $1;
 370:                 print FILE "gi\nhref=$sour/\nhref=$sour$this?filt=$monk&$site/\n";
 371:                 $cont =~ s/href=$sour\///gi;
 372:             }
 373:             if ($cont =~ /src=("?)\//i) {
 374:                 $sour = $1;
 375:                 print FILE "gi\nsrc=$sour/\nsrc=$sour$site/\n";
 376:                 $cont =~ s/src=$sour\///gi;
 377:             }
 378:         } else { print "Bad luck this new time\n"; }
 379:         close FILE;
 380:         @flis = glob("$filp*");
 381:     }
 382:     if ($what eq "delefilt") {
 383:         unlink "$filp$monk";
 384:         @flis = glob("$filp*");
 385:         print "<h2>Deleted <i>$monk</i>!</h2>\n";
 386:     }
 387:     print "<table border=\"1\"><form action=\"$this\" method=\"post\">\n";
 388:     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whattodo\" value=\"creafilt\">\n";
 389:     print "<tr><td>PerlMonks UserName: <td><input type=\"text\" size=\"32\" name=\"wichmonk\">\n";
 390:     print "<tr><td align=\"center\">InvertColors?: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"autodata\" value=\"inverted\">\n";
 391:     print "<br>RandomizeColors?: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"autodata\" value=\"randomiz\">\n";
 392:     print "<br>AlwaysRandomColors?: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"autodata\" value=\"randomal\">\n";
 393:     print "<td><br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Create New PerlMonks Theme\"></form>\n";
 394:     print "</td></tr></table>\n";
 395:     print "<table border=\"1\"><tr><td>PerlMonk:<td>Change\n";#<td>Remove\n";
 397:     foreach $filt (@flis) {
 398:         $kaka = $filt;
 399:         $kaka =~ s/^$filp//;
 400:         if ($kaka ne "randomal") {
 401:             print "<tr><td><h3><a href=\"$this?filt=$kaka&$site\">$kaka</a></h3>\n";
 402:             print "<td><form action=\"$this\" method=\"post\">\n";
 403:             print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whattodo\" value=\"chngseti\">\n";
 404:             print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wichfilt\" value=\"$filt\">\n";
 405:             print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Settings\"></form>\n";
 406:             #print "<td><form action=\"$this\" method=\"post\">\n";
 407:             #print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whattodo\" value=\"delefilt\">\n";
 408:             #print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wichfilt\" value=\"$filt\">\n";
 409:             #print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"DELETE\"></form>\n";
 410:         }
 411:     }
 412:     print "</table>\n";
 413:     print "<br><form action=\"$this\" method=\"post\">\n";
 414:     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whattodo\" value=\"mangfavs\">\n";
 415:     print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Manage Favorites\"></form>\n";
 416:     print "</body></html>\n";
 417: }
 418: #   $requ = new HTTP::Request GET => '';
 419: #   $requ->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
 420: #   $requ->content('match=www&errors=0');
 421: #   my $resp = $uage->request($requ);
 422: #   if ($resp->is_success) { print $resp->content; }
 423: #   else { print "Bad luck this time\n"; }

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Two Words
by Nitsuj (Hermit) on Jul 26, 2000 at 00:15 UTC

    VERY VERY VERY COOL, if you run it locally on your machine (which I suppose is your intention)... but lets say that a lot of people are forced to use win2k at work with inadequate services to do this (looks around, and stares at his feet).

    Supposing that they wanted to run it off your site, someone could play a very nasty trick and give a user a real headache, or white out their screen.

    You should keep it so that people can try on other people's themes though. Another idea, make it so that people can copy other peoples themes into theirs. Another idea would be allowing new wallpapers/images/other such things

    Just a few suggestions.

    "We're all different!"
    "I'm not"
    -The Life of Brian
      Thanks! I'll try to implement passwerds next time I hack on it. Even though there are the problems associated with it (as you describe), feel free to use the version on my web server if you want to... TTFN.


      p.s. Initiate Nail Removal Immediately!
RE: PipsPerlMonksThemer
by PipTigger (Hermit) on Jul 21, 2000 at 14:09 UTC
    Whoa! I didn't intend for this to clutter the frontpage! It's too long! I'm sorry... Is there a way to keep it only in the Craft section?

      A moderator liked it so much it appeared on the FrontPage.

      I guess you're just stuck with the publicity and recognition...


      Brainbench 'Most Valuable Professional' for Perl

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