in reply to search/browse freebsd ports INDEX*

Regex Fix (v0.025, feb 10 2003): Fixed a bug which would have macthed/failed for the wrong reasons. Before...

my $Configure = { ... # field to search in (if not 'show' whole index), , 'find' => [ 'name' , qr{^(?: (?{ join '|' , qw(show any) , ${$Fields{'keep'}} }) ) }xi ] };


my $Configure = { ... # field to search in (if not 'show' whole index), , 'find' => [ 'name' # regex to be compiled , join '|' , qw(show any) , ${$Fields{'keep'}} ] }; $Configure->{'find'}->[1] = qr/^ $Configure->{'find'}->[1] /xi;