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Re: TK Scrollbars not working correctly

by pg (Canon)
on Jan 22, 2003 at 07:39 UTC ( [id://228962]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to TK Scrollbars not working correctly

If you want both horizontal and vertical scrollbars, you have to say: -scollbars es, not -scrollbars e -scrollbars s

Those named parameters are indeed hash elements, to reassign them, simply overwrites the existing value.

One example:

use Tk; use strict; use warnings; sub something { my $box = shift; $box->delete("1.0", "end"); $box->insert("end", $_) for (1 .. 100); } my $mw = MainWindow->new(title=>"Scrollbar Demo"); my $box = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -width 100 -height 15 -scrollbars se/) +->pack; $mw->Button(text=>"click", command=>[\&something, $box])->pack; MainLoop;

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