# O(n^2) for my $i (0..$#a-1) { for (0..$#a-1-$i) { ($a[$_],$a[$_+1]) = ($a[$_+1],$a[$_]) if ($a[$_+1] < $a[$_]); } } # O(n log(n)) for my $i (0..$#a-1) { # looping over already-sorted items is not needed for (0..$#a-1-$i) { ($a[$_],$a[$_+1]) = ($a[$_+1],$a[$_]) if ($a[$_+1] < $a[$_]); } } #### # O(n) my $truestatus; foreach my $item (@list) { $truestatus = 1 if (some_condition); } # O(log(n)) my $truestatus; foreach my $item (@list) { # if some_condition is going to be valid for at least one $item in # @list, then the limit of the average runtime will approach # O(log n). if (some_condition) { $truestatus = 1; last } }