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Re: Safe for SQL

by Anonymous Monk
on Dec 10, 2002 at 18:48 UTC ( [id://218860]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Safe for SQL

I found it easier to use MS SQL's generated GUID using the following:

use DBI; use DBD::ODBC; my $dsn = "driver={SQL Server};Server=$dbserver;database=$database;uid +=$username;pwd=$password;"; my $cnn = DBConnect($dsn); my $SQL = "SELECT NEWID()"; my $rs_guid = $cnn->prepare("$SQL"); $rs_guid->execute;

Get the actual GUID from the obtained $rs_guid and the guid will be inserted back to SQL without any problem


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Re: Re: Safe for SQL
by jk2addict (Chaplain) on Dec 11, 2002 at 21:00 UTC

    This brings up something I've been pondering for a while with regards to the predictability of using UUIDs.

    Back in early versions of MSSQL7, the newid() function would return predictable results when called consecutively. It appears that Data::UUID also does the same.

    Here's a quick run using create/to_string:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w -T use Data::UUID; use strict; my $uuidgen = Data::UUID->new; for (1..5) { my $uuid = $uuidgen->create(); print $uuidgen->to_string($uuid) . "\n"; };
    1D888068-1DD2-11B2-AD1E-F3DCB6356242 1D8899D6-1DD2-11B2-AD1E-F3DCB6356242 1D88A142-1DD2-11B2-AD1E-F3DCB6356242 1D88A5F2-1DD2-11B2-AD1E-F3DCB6356242 1D88A994-1DD2-11B2-AD1E-F3DCB6356242

    I usually use UUID to guarantee uniqueness, and sometimes in things like ecommerce, you don't want these things to be predictable in a basic effort to prevent end user guessing games. Yes, I know securiyy is much larger than that, but preventing predictable sequential keys for some things help. :-P

    If I know the first line above, it's pretty easy to start generating the next 4 through trial and error.

    Somewhere along the line, MSSQL7 SP3+ and MSSQL 2K made the output non predictable when running a series

    select newid(), newid(), newid(), newid(), newid()
    F52C627C-E150-44AB-8CE9-4A4CBFF2C8EE 5E3190A5-670F-491A-A9E4-18E15B0129FD 227533E0-65A2-4668-B7F0-97F7BCC8625F 7C85C050-4956-4E1E-BFFB-2FE6E6378267 AAF3F967-30C3-418B-BD6F-2CC8B8440DD9

    So, what changed I wonder, and how can I make Data::UUID behave more like MSSQL2K when generating consecutive uuids?

    I tried feeding the previous uuid into the namespace/name of the new uuid during creation and it appears to work.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w -T use Data::UUID (NameSpace_X500); use strict; my $uuidgen = Data::UUID->new; # Get first random seed uuid my $uuid = $uuidgen->create(); my $prevuuid = $uuidgen->to_string($uuid); for (1..5) { my $uuid = $uuidgen->create_from_name(NameSpace_X500, $prevuuid); $prevuuid = $uuidgen->to_string($uuid); print $prevuuid . "\n"; };
    997737A7-8390-360A-A356-92B94CC4F6BC 3CA5C37D-B2B7-343F-B1F5-A0F3DAED46F2 21CBBF52-8C16-3AFE-9F40-DCD60825842D 741F2107-D4C1-322C-AEFE-638F63502407 1D47E49F-7568-30D2-9E27-5AF90D407F58
    Certainly less predictable.

    So, the question becomes: have I sacrificed any randomness or uniqueness by doing this?


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