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Web page digest mailer

by tfrayner (Curate)
on Nov 11, 2002 at 14:54 UTC ( [id://211929]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: E-Mail Programs
Author/Contact Info Tim Rayner
Description: This script was originally designed as a quick hack for use by the Gene Ontology ( project. It scans a web page for the designated table, strips out old entries, and mails any new entries. The script is designed to be run as often as you would like, but only to mail results after $cacheperiod seconds following the previous mailing. In this way the script can capture short-lived entries without overwhelming the end user(s) with mail.

The code is still set up to scan the Gene Ontology SourceForge web page, as an example.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# by Tim Rayner, 2002 
#    (
# This code may be modified and distributed on 
# the same terms as the Perl source code.

# Script to periodically query a web page, extract 
# a table and identify new rows in that table.
# New results are cached in $savefile; if a second 
# file ($archivefile) has not been modified
# within the time $cacheperiod, the new table rows 
# (i.e. those in $savefile but not in
# $archivefile) are mailed to the $mailto email address. 
# The results are then written out to
# $archivefile to be omitted from future emails.
# The reason for this convoluted approach is that we 
# aim to capture table rows which may not
# be present on the web page for very long (in some 
# cases, only a matter of hours). However,
# we want to avoid sending emails more than once a 
# day (change $cacheperiod to alter this
# behaviour). We also want to maintain a persistant 
# cache of results to overcome difficulties
# connecting to the web page (originally 
#, hardly a paragon of reliability).
# Use the command ' now' (as opposed to 
# simply '') to override
# the result cache mechanism and mail all the 
# current results now.

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTML::TableExtract;
use MIME::Lite;

############ User Config Section ############

# Address to send mail to. You will want to change this.
my $mailto='user@host';

# Address to send mail from. Ensure that your SMTP 
# server or local MTA will accept this value.
my $mailfrom='user@host';

# Subject line of the sent email:
my $mailsubject='SourceForge Update';

# Table columns to extract (in order that they will 
# appear in the email).
# N.B. Keep 'Request ID' as column 1; changing this 
# will break the script.
my $tableheaders=['Request ID','Date','Summary'];

# Lines at start and end of the email body text:
my $mailbodyhead="<html>Here are today's new SourceForge requests:<br>
    "Follow the link to see the full description or to add comments to
+ an item. <br>".
        "You can use the monitor option to receive any comments added 
+to an item.<br>";
my $mailbodytail="<br>You can also go to the SourceForge GO Curator Re
+quests Tracker<br>".
    " to see the complete list of submissions:<br>".
    qq!<a href="
    "Signed,<br><br>the sf-digest daemon.</html>";
# Save files used to store the last set of data downloaded.
# It's likely that you will want to change these to a 
# set location (e.g. /home/user/.sf-digest-latest.txt).
my $savefile='/home/user/.sf-digest-latest.txt';
my $archivefile='/home/user/.sf-digest-archive.txt';

# SMTP server via which to send mail. If undefined, 
# use local sendmail command.
my $smtp_server='';

# Period for which results are cached prior to emailing 
# them (in seconds). Initially set to 1 day minus 15 
# minutes (85500 seconds)
my $cacheperiod=(1*24*60*60)-(15*60);

### URL vars - You shouldn't need to touch these, ### 
### unless SourceForge does.                      ###

# Web page to check (we will concatenate an offset 
# ($delta) later)
my $url = '

# Offset between pages
my $delta = 50;

# Total limit on number of request IDs to download 
# from the web page. This is a safety feature, and
# as such should not need changing. Change this if 
# the project ever balloons out of control :-)
my $limit=1000;

# HTML tags embedded in the email: 
# $idurl=$idurl_start.'<request ID>'.$idurl_end.<request ID>."</a>";
# (see below).
# - part one of requestID URL:
my $idurl_start='<a href="
# - second part of requestID URL:
my $idurl_end='&group_id=36855&atid=440764">';

########## End User Config Section ##########

sub gettable{
    # download the table data, return a hashref 
    # with column 1 as key and the other columns
    # as values, joined in a tab-delimited string

    my $url=shift();
    my $delta=shift();
    my $limit=shift();
    my $tableheaders=shift();

    my %results;

    # Here we $limit results to prevent infinite loop
  OFFSET: for (my $offset=0;$offset<$limit;$offset=$offset+$delta){

      my $pageurl=$url.$offset;
      my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10);
      my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$pageurl);
      my $response = $ua->request($request);

      if ($response->is_success){
          my $te = new HTML::TableExtract( headers => $tableheaders );

          last OFFSET unless $te->table_states;  # No more table to pa

          foreach my $ts ($te->table_states) {
              foreach my $rowref ($ts->rows) {
                  my @row=@{$rowref};

                  # Strip out useless rows 
                  # (this is SourceForge-specific)
                  next if (($row[0]=~ /^\S$/) || ($row[0]=~ /\<-- Prev
+ious 50/));

                  # Format data and push into %results
                  my $idurl=$idurl_start.$row[0].$idurl_end.$row[0]."<
                  $results{$row[0]}= join("\t", $idurl, @row[1..$#row]
      } else {
          print "Error: ".$response->status_line."\n";
          last OFFSET;
    return \%results;

sub readfile{
    # Read in the old results file, 
    # return old results hashref

    my $file=shift;
    my %oldresults;

    open (SAVEFILE,"<$file") or do {
        warn ("No save file; creating one named \'$file\'.\n");
        return undef;

    while (my $line=<SAVEFILE>){
        chomp $line;
    return \%oldresults;

sub writefile{
    # write new results to save file

    my $file=shift();
    my %results=%{shift()};

    open (SAVEFILE,">$file") or die ("Could not open save file for wri
+ting: $!\n");

    foreach my $key (sort keys %results){
        print SAVEFILE ("$key\t$results{$key}\n");

### Main ###

# Set the cache period to zero if we're called with 
# the 'now' directive (i.e. 'sf-digest now')
if ($ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] eq 'now')){$cacheperiod = 0;}

# Get old and new table data; overwrite old save 
# file with new data
my $resref=&readfile($savefile);
my %allresults=%{$resref} if $resref;
my %newresults=%{&gettable($url,$delta,$limit,$tableheaders)};

# Merge the hashes to prevent false positive 
# upon SourceForge timeouts,
# write everything out to the save file
@allresults{keys %newresults} = values %newresults;

# We can either quit now or send the new message.
# If the archive file is older than 1 day minus 5 minutes,
# or if the archive file does not exist (i.e. first run), 
# we send the message.
if ((! -f $archivefile) || (((stat($archivefile))[9]) <= (time-$cachep

    # Read in the archive file
    my $archiveref=&readfile($archivefile);
    my %archiveresults=%{$archiveref} if $archiveref;

    # Construct main mail body text; 
    #omit entries found in the archived table data
    my @mailbody;
    foreach my $id (sort keys %allresults){

        # Strip out non-ascii characters 
        #(certain mail reader programs prefer this)
        $allresults{$id}=~ s/[^[:ascii:]]//g;
        push (@mailbody, "$allresults{$id}\n") unless $archiveresults{

    # Construct the rest of the mail and send it
    if (@mailbody){   # Don't send if there are no changes
        # Finish off the mail
        unshift (@mailbody, $mailbodyhead);
        push (@mailbody, $mailbodytail);

        my $body= join("<br>", @mailbody);

        my $mail=MIME::Lite->new(
                                 From     => $mailfrom,
                                 To       => $mailto,
                                 Subject  => $mailsubject,
                                 Type     => 'text/html',
                                 Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
                                 Data     => $body,

        if ($smtp_server){   # Finally, send the mail

    # Merge all data and spew it into the archive
    @archiveresults{keys %allresults} = values %allresults;

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