#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use URI::Find::Schemeless; use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities); # changed my $text = q~ hello this is no.url this is an url: www.fabiani.net ftp.anything.de/test/thisfile mailto:martin@fabiani.net or the like yeah martin@fabiani.net http://www.fabiani.net/ ~; # create a new URI::Find::Schemeless objekt and add as callback # the function what shell be done with each found URI my $finder = URI::Find::Schemeless->new ( sub { my ($uri, $originalUri) = @_; # error: encode_entities is missing # return qq~$originalUri~; return q// . encode_entities($originalUri) . q/>/; } ); # here starts the search (and in our case the replacement): my $howManyFound = $finder->find(\$text); # lets have a look at the result print "$howManyFound URIs found\n"; print "$text\n"; #### use URI::Find; # instead of URI::Find::Schemeless ... my $finder = URI::Find->new # instead of URI::Find::Schemeless ( sub { my ($uri, $originalUri) = @_; # error: encode_entities is missing # return qq~$originalUri~; return q// . encode_entities($originalUri) . q/>/; } ); ... #### BEGIN { use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; } use URI::Find::Schemeless;