in reply to Case Sensitive Super Search

That is a pretty unconvincing argument. I think you'll have better luck getting a new feature added if you take more that 10 seconds composing your request. You could at least have mentioned that you were frustrated trying to super search on "DEFINED". Though, I just would have told you to super search on "sub defined;tie" with a separator of ";".

        - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")

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Re: (tye)Re: Case Sensitive Super Search
by rir (Vicar) on Oct 27, 2002 at 23:22 UTC
    Thanks for adding to my knowledge regarding DEFINED.

    I wasn't making a request or argument. I was providing a data point: Here is one who would have found case insensitivity useful.

    I appreciate the site. I am willing to give feedback since it is invited. But I don't presume to know enough1 about web serving or search engines to make an argument for having such a feature added.

    Thanks, let me know if/when I may call you Tye.

    1  "Not knowing enough" sounds better than the equally true "not knowing anything". Vanity.