Willard B. Trophy's user image
User since: Oct 17, 2002 at 14:03 UTC (22 years ago)
Last here: Dec 28, 2020 at 16:05 UTC (3 years ago)
Experience: 1442
Level:Hermit (10)
Writeups: 99
Location:Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
User's localtime: Apr 19, 2024 at 00:33 -05
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Discovered Perl when looking for a data manipulation tool that sucked less that Fortran-77 & DCL under VMS for a wind farm company...

I've done a lot of Perl for publishing dictionaries; classic text manipulation stuff, really. I have also done more PostS‎crip‎t programming than is good for one. What the world needs is RPNPerl.

My minor claim to fame is that I "got Perl in the dictionary" back in 1998. Google for "group:comp.lang.perl.misc". 'Tis I, and I have the e-mail from Tom C to prove it.

I work with wind energy, and now seldom touch Perl.

I'm also quite Scottish. In fact, possibly more Scottish than I was when I first arrived in Canada.

The name Willard B. Trophy was inspired by Richard Brautigan. It's also very silly, but everyone else here has silly user names, so why shouldn't I?

Version: 0.01
P++c---P6?R+++M O-MA++E PU+BD C
D++S+++X++WP MO+PP!n CO?PO--o++G

I'm famed for my sweet making, in particular Scots Tablet. The Toronto PMers are addicted to it.

I have two very tedious blogs: We Saw A Chicken ... and Numpty's Progress. I'm also a ham radio operator, callsign VA3PID; you'll usually find me on PSK31 around 14.070MHz.

I have a not very clever JAPH:

$,="\n";foreach(split('',"\3\3\3c>\0>c\177cc\0~c~``\0cc\177cc")) {$a++;$_=unpack('B8',$_);tr,01,\40#,;$b[$a%6].=$_};print @b,"\n"

If the backticks scare you, here's what it (harmlessly) produces:

      ##  #####  ######  ##   ##
      ## ##   ## ##   ## ##   ##
      ## ####### ######  #######
 ##   ## ##   ## ##      ##   ##
  #####  ##   ## ##      ##   ##

If you need to get in touch, I can't stand that nasty-ass chatterbox thing, so I remain, scruss /at/ gmail /dot/ com