in reply to Activestate Perl and the Komodo IDE

My first reply was strictly based on Komodo as a product, but I think your real question deserves some additional comments as well.

I am always on the quest for more consistent and faster to produce code. When I was managing other developers this seemed even more important, but I feel that most of this comes back to the individual doing the coding. Tools can no doubt help, but I find that the editor or IDE can only go so far. The biggest improvement for me when using a product like Komodo is its error highlighting, this has kept me from having to do a compile to find out I made a mistake, and I do feel my level of output has increased because of it. However I feel my coding method and quality has increased more by adding durable testing code and processes to the development cycle.

With your current tool set (cvs,emacs) I don't think you will get a large enough advantage out of Komodo, but I am not sure which feature in Komodo is most attractive to you.

See Ovid's recent node on testing , and my reply for more info.

If you are already using testing code then I would suggest that you look at how to move more of the code into rules or configuration files rather then keeping it all in code, this has been a big help in my development cycle as well. I like using Config::Auto along with Class::Accessor to create method calls for each of my configuration values which goes a long way in providing a flexible consistent means of getting and setting application parameters. This is all OO Perl and if you are not doing OO Perl I am not sure how to best bend it to your needs.