in reply to Error reading image from perl cgi script into HTML

As podmaster put's it, you have misunderstood some things about browsers, HTML and HTTP. You should make an html page which refers to you counter image like any other image. This could serve as a very simple (and untested) example:

First, the HTML page:

<html> <head> <title>Test page</title> </head> <body> <H1>My test page</H1> My counter below:<BR> <IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/"> </body> </html>

And now,

#!C:\Progra~1\Perl\bin\perl use CGI; $co=new CGI; print $co->header(-type=>'image/jpeg'); $size = stat("counter.jpg")[7]; open (FILEHANDLE,"<counter.jpg"); read FILEHANDLE,$imagedata,$size; close FILEHANDLE;
And then you replace with something that actually counts.