in reply to Damian Conway's diary

That means that for the rest of 2002 I will not be reading or contributing to Perl mailing lists or newsgroups, will not be maintaining my numerous CPAN modules, will not be travelling or speaking, and will not even be regularly reading my (Perl-specific) email. In fact, the only Perl-related activities I'll still be undertaking will be those related to the Perl 6 design work (that is, I'll continue to help Larry and the design team, and to write the Exegeses for the Apocalypses).

My reactions to this:

  1. Wow, he must really be burned out!
  2. By not being a part of many Perl discussion channels, his ability to design will lack community input won't it?
  3. Was it necessary for him to travel around? Could he have not discussed language issues via email?
  4. What if there is a bug with one his modules?

I am just brainstorming here, but I certainly had a strong reaction to this paragraph and thought I would share my thoughts.