Category: Win32 Stuff
Author/Contact Info Soren Andersen <somian -AT- pobox *DOT* com>
Description: A work-around for the absence of a defined value in the built-in special variable $^O (platform, Operating System) in some Perls on Win 95/98. In present form, simply determines if the platform is Win32 or not. The usual `require "";' statement is all that's needed.
# ********************************************************
#  for Perl scripts that need to know the OS
#  (c)2000,2003 Soren Andersen 
#  This program is Free Software, it may be used, modified
#  and redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
#  L/M: Friday Aug 01 2003
# ********************************************************

sub IsNotWin    {
 if ($^O and $^O !~ /WIN32/i)   {
     return 1;
 } elsif ($^O and $^O =~ /WIN32/i)      {
     return 0;
 } elsif (eval ('require ("Win32")') )  {
     return 0;
 return 1;


=head1 NAME


Here is one way to use this:

{  require ("");
   if &IsNotWin     {
       print STDERR "Sorry! This script does not run yet ".
          "on anything but 32-bit Windows, and ".
          "you are using $^O\n";
    sleep(3);    die;

=head1 AUTHOR

=over 8

Soren Andersen somian -AT- cpan -DOT- org

=for html <BR><BR>


Colorized version left for historical authenticity :-)
-- was not popular with the Monks.

# ******************************************************** # # for Perl scripts that need to know the OS # (c)2000,2003 Soren Andersen # This program is Free Software, it may be used, modified # and redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself. # L/M: Friday Aug 01 2003 # ******************************************************** sub IsNotWin { if ($^O and $^O !~ /WIN32/i) { return 1; } elsif ($^O and $^O =~ /WIN32/i) { return 0; } elsif (eval ('require ("Win32")') ) { return 0; } return 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS Here is one way to use this: BEGIN { require (""); if &IsNotWin { print STDERR "Sorry! This script does not run yet ". "on anything but 32-bit Windows, and ". "you are using $^O\n"; sleep(3); die; } } =head1 AUTHOR =over 8 Soren Andersen somian -AT- cpan -DOT- org =for html <BR><BR> =cut