#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/; use File::Basename; use MP3::Info; use Fcntl ':mode'; undef @PATTERN; undef @FILEPATTERN; undef @HEADERS; undef @DETAILS; undef $cwd; undef $debug; $version = "0.7"; # Version string #--------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration #--------------------------------------------------------- $title = "groove.jpj.net resources"; # Page title $tbbgcolor = "#C0C0C0"; # Title bar background $tbfcolor = "black"; # Title bar text $bgcolor = "#cccccc"; # Table item background $fcolor = "black"; # Table text $icondir = "/icons/small"; # Apache Icons directory $indexfile = ".pindex.html"; # Cache file name $notesfile = ".pnotes.txt"; # Notes file name #$debug = "1"; # Turn on debugging #----------------------------------------------------------- # Error msg sub #----------------------------------------------------------- sub error_msg { print header, start_html("Action Denied"), h1("Action Denied"), h3("$_[0]"), h3(a{href=>"$script_url"},"Return"), end_html; exit; } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Get stats on files in $cwd #----------------------------------------------------------- sub getfiles { undef $htype; undef $size; undef $date; undef $link; undef $icon; undef $typename; undef $file; foreach $file (<@PATTERN>) { #next if ($file =~ /(index.html|notes.txt)/); next if ($file =~ /($indexfile|$notesfile)/); ($type, $size, $sec) = (stat($file)) [2,7,9]; if (S_ISDIR($type)) { $typename = "Directory"; $icon = "$icondir/dir.png"; } if (S_ISREG($type)) { $typename = "File"; $icon = "$icondir/unknown.gif"; } if (S_ISLNK($type)) { $typename = "Link"; $icon = "$icondir/link.png"; } $icon = "$icondir/sound2.gif" if ($file =~ /\.wav/); $icon = "$icondir/image2.gif" if ($file =~ /\.(bmp|jpg|gif|png)/i); $icon = "$icondir/compressed.gif" if ($file =~ /\.(gz|tar|zip|bz|rpm|sit|sea|hqx)/i); $icon = "$icondir/text.gif" if ($file =~ /\.(txt|pl|sh)/i); $icon = "$icondir/movie.gif" if ($file =~ /\.(mov|avi|wmf|fli|asf)/i); $icon = "$icondir/index.gif" if ($file =~ /\.(html)/i); #----------------------------------------------------------- # Call MP3::Info if file is an MP3 #----------------------------------------------------------- if ($file =~ /\.mp3$/) { $info = new MP3::Info $file;; ($length, $bitrate) = split (" ", sprintf "%s %s", $info->TIME, $info->BITRATE); $icon = "$icondir/sound2.gif"; $htype = "Length/Type"; $typename = "$length\m - $bitrate\kbps"; } $date = (localtime($sec)); #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Do type/size calc #-------------------------------------------------------------- if (S_ISDIR($type)) { $psize = "--"; } elsif ($size < 1024 ) { $psize = "$size bytes" } elsif ($size < 1024000 ) { $psize = sprintf "%.1f kb", $size / 1024; } else { $psize = sprintf "%.2f MB", $size / 1024 / 1024; } $name = basename $file; $link = "/pub/$cwd/$name"; $link =~ s/\/\//\//g; #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Push data for files list table into @DETAILS #-------------------------------------------------------------- if (S_ISDIR($type)) { push (@DETAILS,a({href=>"$script_url?page=$cwd/$name"},img({-border=>undef,src=>$icon}),"$name"), $psize, $date, "$typename"); } elsif (S_ISREG($type)) { push (@DETAILS,a({href=>"$link"},img({-border=>undef,src=>$icon}),"$name"), "$psize", "$date", "$typename"); } } $htype = "Type" unless ($htype); push (@HEADERS, qw(Name Size Date), $htype); } # End getfiles sub #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Get parameters passed from URL, seed # "Previous Directory" link. #-------------------------------------------------------------- sub getparams { if (param('page')) { $cwd = param('page'); &error_msg("Illegal Path: $cwd") if ($cwd =~ /\.\./); undef $cwd if ($cwd =~ /(\.|\/)$/); $dirname = basename $PATH; $precwd = dirname $cwd; # unless ($precwd =~ /\.$/); push (@DETAILS,a({href=>"$script_url?page=$precwd"},img({-border=>undef,src=>"$icondir/back.gif"}),"Previous Directory"),"","","") unless (! $cwd); } else { $cwd = ""; $is_index = "1"; $dirname = $PATH; } $url = "$url/$cwd"; $PATH = "$PATH/$cwd"; &error_msg("Illegal Path: $cwd") if (! -d PATH); # Bail if $PATH doesn't exist @PATTERN="$PATH/$FILEPATTERN"; # Files list pattern match $script_url = url(-relative=>1); # Pull relative URL into $script_url } # getparams #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Start script, pass static `.pindex.html` page # through if no changes to dir mtime, or call # getfiles, write_html to create page and store in # .pindex.html #-------------------------------------------------------------- &getparams; # Seed parameters $weblsindex = "$PATH/$indexfile"; if ( -f $weblsindex ) { ($pubmtime) = (stat($weblsindex)) [10]; ($pathmtime) = (stat($PATH)) [10]; if ( $pathmtime le $pubmtime ) { open (PUBLSINDEX, "<$weblsindex"); print ; print "\nDEBUG\n$weblsindex\n" if ($debug); print "$pubmtime, $pathmtime\n" if ($debug); close (PUBLSINDEX); exit; } } &getfiles; &write_html; print small,(" (created)") if ($debug); print "\nDEBUG\n$weblsindex\n" if ($debug); print "$pubmtime, $pathmtime\n" if ($debug); local *STDOUT; open (STDOUT, ">$weblsindex"); &write_html(); print small,(" (cached)"); close (STDOUT); #------------------------------------------------------------- # write_html sub to create page #------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_html () { print header, start_html("$title - $cwd"), h1("
"); #------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate linked path #------------------------------------------------------------- unless (! $cwd) { undef $refcwd; undef $pwd; undef @TAGCWD; $pwd = basename $cwd; push(@TAGCWD, a({href=>"$script_url"},"

/")); while ($cwd =~ /\G\/?([0-9A-Za-z'.-]+)/g) { $prelink = $1; $refcwd = "$refcwd/$1"; if (! ($1 =~ /$pwd$/)) { push(@TAGCWD, a({href=>"$script_url?page=$refcwd"}, $prelink), "/"); } else { push(@TAGCWD, $pwd, "/"); } } print @TAGCWD[0..$#TAGCWD]; print "

"; } #------------------------------------------------------------- # Build file list table with data from getfiles sub #------------------------------------------------------------- print hr, table({-align=>"center",-width=>"70%",-border=>"0"}), Tr({-align=>"LEFT",-valign=>"TOP",-bgcolor=>$tbbgcolor,-fontcolor=>$tbfcolor}, [th(\@HEADERS),td({-bgcolor=>$bgcolor},\@DETAILS)]); print end_table(); if ( -f "$PATH/$notesfile" ) { open (NOTES, "<$PATH/$notesfile") || next; undef $/; $notes = ; $/ = "\n"; print table({-align=>"center",-width=>"70%",-border=>"0"}), Tr({-align=>"LEFT",-valign=>"TOP"},[td(h3("Notes")),td($notes)]); print end_table(); close (NOTES); } print hr, em,small("Generated by webls.pl v$version"), end_html(); }