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Re: Request opinions and ideas

by charnos (Friar)
on Sep 25, 2002 at 13:59 UTC ( [id://200622]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Request opinions and ideas

It sounds like you're not just thinking up pseudo-code at this stage, SoPW posts generally have some snippets of code in them to help other monks visualize your current situation and goalJust as a comment, while this post is very detailed in its description of the problem, multidimensional data. structures are somewhat hard to visualize while reading a paragraph. :P
Also, you may describe the execution of your code somewhat differently than another monk looking at the same code may, and since it is your code you're more likely to skip over obvious steps (not that you did here).

P.S. I vote separation of functions, generally (and perhaps due to my upbringing in OO), I like to farm out operations whenever possible, to *me* (and that's just my opinion, you could be different) it makes things easier to debug and maintain.

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