sub search_biography { my $search_text=shift; my @result; my $table; my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select distinct hm_index,first_name,last_name, category from Biography where first_name like '%$search_text%' or last_name like '%$search_text%' or bio_text like '%$search_text%' or occupation like '%$search_text%' or description like '%$search_text%'" ); $sth->execute; while(my @row=$sth->fetchrow) { push @results , "blah - was long HTML string" } return (\@result); } #### use DBIx::FullTextSearch; use DBI; use strict; # the data source, that is the tables to be indexed my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:database','user','password'); my $table_info = { 'DBIx_biography' => { table_name => 'Biography', column_name => 'bio_text', }, 'DBIx_glossary' => { table_name => 'Glossary', column_name => 'glossary_defination', }, 'DBIx_timeline' => { table_name => 'Timeline', column_name => 'event_description', }, 'DBIx_quotes' => { table_name => 'Quotes', column_name => 'quote', }, }; my $table_check = $dbh->prepare('show tables'); $table_check->execute; my $tables; while ( my ($table) = $table_check->fetchrow() ) { $tables{$table} = 1; } foreach my $front_end_table ( keys %{$table_info} ) { if ($tables{$front_end_table}) { $fts = DBIx::FullTextSearch->open($dbh, $front_end_table); $fts->empty; } else { $fts = DBIx::FullTextSearch->create($dbh, $front_end_table, frontend => 'table', # type of frontend # table to be indexed table_name => $table_info->{$front_end_table}{'table_name'}, # column that has the info to be indexed column_name => $table_info->{$front_end_table}{'column_name'}, backend => 'column', # type of storage for the backend # you really should set these up, but I won't get # into that in this writeup #stoplist => 'sl_en', # from example #stemmer => 'en-us' # from example ); } my $ids = $dbh->prepare(qq!SELECT hm_index FROM $table_info->{$front_end_table}{'table_name'}!); $ids->execute() or die "$DBI::errstr problem"; while ( my ($id) = $ids->fetchrow ) { $fts->index_document($id); } } #### # use strict; use DBIx::FullTextSearch; use DBI; # the data source, that is the tables to be indexed my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:database','user','password'); my $front_end_table = shift @ARGV; my $fts = DBIx::FullTextSearch->open($dbh, $front_end_table); my $table = shift @ARGV; # this is a mapping of the SQL statements for each table, I was able # to get these directly from some existing code and then just # replaced my where conditional. This minimized the amount of # refactoring and time required to swap things out. my $table_column = { Biography => 'distinct hm_index,first_name,last_name,category', Quotes => qq!distinct hm_index,quote_stamp,quote, date_format(birth_year,'%Y'), date_format(death_year,'%Y'), name,bio_index,media_index,category!, Timeline => qq!hm_index,event_title,event_brief,event_description, timeline_stamp,date_format(event_date, '%Y')!, Glossary => qq!hm_index,glossary_title,glossary_defination!, }; my @docs = $fts->contains(@ARGV); my $doc = join(',',@docs); if ($doc) { my $info = $dbh->prepare(qq!SELECT $table_column->{$table} FROM $table WHERE hm_index IN($doc)! ); $info->execute; while ( my @row = $info->fetchrow ) { # this is just for testing so it doesn't need # to be pretty :) print "'$row[1]' '$row[2]'\n"; } } else { print "no matches for '", join(' ',@ARGV) , "'"; } #### DBIx_biography Biography trs80 #### DBIx_biography = front end table Biography = table that contains our primary key, this is the table that we will get our final mathes from trs80 = what to look for #### DBIx_biography Biography trs80 jeffa Ovid