strredwolf has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Well, I have a problem with our HTML 'compiler', since we're not only replacing tags, we're converting whole files one line at a time into Javascript (aka the HTML that results from the compiler goes into the converter and ends up inside a document.writeln('');). BUT (and a big but it is), we cannot assume that the HTML we're processing is created on Linux. We have folks on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and we got to deal with all those lines!!!

I'm thinking of doing this:

$file=''; open(IN,"<$filename") || die "$file can't be opened: $!"; { local $/=undef; $file=<IN>; } @lines=split /[\r\n]+/, $file; foreach $line (@lines) { # do some processing here }
Any suggestions?
