in reply to Generating Repeatable Pseudorandom Sequences

For cases when you can't, or don't want to, rely on an external module, this is quick, simple, and good enough for non scientific computing:
sub make_random_generator {
    my ($seed, $min, $max) = @_;
    my $a = 7 ** 5;
    my $m = (2 ** 31) - 1;
    # if seed was zero this generator will return zeros 
    # forever, set it to some arbitrary value
    if ($seed == 0) { $seed = 12345678; }
    unless (defined $min) { $min = 0; }
    unless (defined $max) { $max = $m; }
    if ($max < $min) {
        my $t = $min;
        $min = $max;
        $max = $t;
    return sub {
        $seed = ($a * $seed) % $m;
        # "scale" $seed to the range ($min,$max)
        return int ((($seed / $m) * ($max - $min)) + $min);
use it like this:
for my $seq_n (1..10) {
    print "random sequence with seed $seq_n:\n";
    my $gen = make_random_generator(rand, 0, 1000);
    print join ", ", map { $gen->() } 1 .. 10;
    print "\n";
this will return the same 10 pseudo random sequences every time you run it.