#! /usr/bin/perl -w # onchange file ... command # run command if any of the given files/directories # change use strict; use warnings; use File::Find; use Digest::MD5; my $Command = pop @ARGV; my $Files = [@ARGV]; my $Last_digest = ''; sub has_changed { my $files = shift; my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new; find(sub {$ctx->add($File::Find::name, (stat($_))[9])}, grep {-e $_} @$files); my $digest = $ctx->digest; my $has_changed = $digest ne $Last_digest; $Last_digest = $digest; return($has_changed); }; while (1) { system($Command) if has_changed($Files); sleep 1; }; #### alias testwatch "onchange Makefile.PL Makefile */*.pod */*.pm *.pm t test.pl 'clear; make test \!*'"