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The stupid question is the question not asked

Skrabbel 2

by Fideist11 (Sexton)
on Aug 08, 2002 at 21:47 UTC ( [id://188754]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info Justin
Description: This is the fruition of my labors to build a program to find all the best moves in a scrabble game! Right now all the algorithms remain in Perl so, depending on your dictionary size and the number of moves on the board, search time can vary from 30seconds to 7minutes. So once you click "Find" remember to be patient. A pop up window saying "Search complete" will appear when it is done. I plan on porting some of the more time consuming routines to Inline::C to speed things up greatly. You can get all the files for this program, including a windows executable built with perl2exe, a dictionary massaged to include only useful scrabble words, and a sample board file at:
Here's the actual script:
use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::DialogBox;
use Tk::FileDialog;
use Tk::Checkbutton;
use Tk::OptionMenu;
use File::Glob;

#My custom class.
use Skrabbel;

#Our Important Globals
my $MW; #MainWindow
my $VERSION = '0.1';
my $scrabble; #Our class object that maintains the game
my $board_frame; #Frame for Scrabble Board
my $entry_frame; #Frame for all entries
my @square_frames; #1-D Array of Frames
my @squares; #2-D Array of Labels (15x15)
my $entry_word; #Word to enter onto board
my $x_pt; #X coordinate point on board
my $y_pt; #Y coordinate point on board
my $orientation; #Direction of new word (Horizontal,Vertical)
my $my_letters; #Current letters you have to play
my $num_results; #Number of results we want when finding best
my $value; #current value of word being shown
my $best_moves; #reference to array of best moves
my $preview_showing; #which preview in array we are showing
my $search_time; #time it took to run search

#Set up the mainwindow
$MW = MainWindow->new(
    -title => "Scrabbler - v$VERSION"

#Set up our board_frame
$board_frame = $MW->Frame(
        -side => 'left',
my $top_axis_frame = $board_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x'
    -text => " # ",
    -width => 2,
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold',
        -size => 12
    -relief => 'flat',
    -borderwidth => 1
        -side => 'left',
        -padx => 1
for (my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        -text => " $x ",
        -width => 2,
        -font => [
            -weight => 'bold',
            -size => 12
        -relief => 'flat',
        -borderwidth => 1
            -side => 'left',
            -padx => 1,
            -pady => 1
for (my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
    $square_frames[$x] = $board_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -expand => 1
        -text => " $x ",
        -width => 2,
        -font => [
            -weight => 'bold',
            -size => 12
        -relief => 'flat',
        -borderwidth => 1
            -side => 'left',
            -padx => 1
    for (my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        $squares[$x][$y] = $square_frames[$x]->Label(
            -text => "   ",
            -width => 2,
            -font => [
                -weight => 'bold',
                -size => 12
            -relief => 'sunken',
            -borderwidth => 1
                -side => 'left',
                -padx => 1

#Color our squares on board_frame
#make the 3W (Triple Word) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (0,7,14) {
            -background => 'red'
#make the 2W (Double Word) squares
foreach my $x (1,2,3,4,7) {
            -background => 'orange'
    $squares[$x][14 - $x]->configure(
            -background => 'orange'
    $squares[14 - $x][$x]->configure(
            -background => 'orange'
    $squares[14 - $x][14 - $x]->configure(
            -background => 'orange'
#make the 3L (Triple Letter) squares
foreach my $x (5,9) {
    foreach my $y (5,9) {
            -background => 'blue'
foreach my $x (1,13) {
    foreach my $y (1,5) {
            -background => 'blue'
        $squares[$x][14 - $y]->configure(
            -background => 'blue'
#make the 2L (Double Letter) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (3,11) {
            -background => 'yellow'
            -background => 'yellow'
foreach my $x (2,12,6,8) {
    foreach my $y (6,8) {
            -background => 'yellow'
            -background => 'yellow'

#set our Entries frame
$entry_frame = $MW->Frame(
        -side => 'right',
        -fill => 'both',
        -expand => 1

#Our "Place Move" title
    -text => "Place Move",
    -font => [
        -size => 12,
        -weight => 'bold',
        -underline => 1
        -side => 'top'

#Our Word-Entry frame
my $word_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
my $word_entry = $word_frame->Entry(
    -textvariable => \$entry_word,
    -width => 18,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "Word: ",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'

#Our Coordinate Entry Frame
my $location_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -textvariable => \$x_pt,
    -width => 2,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => " col:",
    -font => [
        -size => 10
        -side => 'right'
    -textvariable => \$y_pt,
    -width => 2,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "row:",
    -font => [
        -size => 10
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "Starting Point: ",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'

#Our Direction Entry Frame
my $direction_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -variable => \$orientation,
    -options => [
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "Orientation: ",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'

#Our button to activate place-move
    -text => "Add Word",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -command => [\&add_word],
    -background => 'orange',
    -activebackground => 'green'
        -side => 'top',
        -anchor => 'e',
        -pady => 5

#A little separator
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 10

#Our "Find Best Move" title
    -text => "Find Best Move(s)",
    -font => [
        -size => 12,
        -weight => 'bold',
        -underline => 1
        -side => 'top'

#our "My Letters" frame
my $letters_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -textvariable => \$my_letters,
    -width => 15,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "My Letters: ",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5

#Our "Number of Results" frame
my $results_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -textvariable => \$num_results,
    -width => 3,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "Num of Results: ",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5

#Our frame for controlling scrolling results
my $scroll_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -text => "next",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -activebackground => 'green',
    -command => sub {
            $preview_showing++ if ($preview_showing < scalar(@{$best_m
+oves}) - 1);
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "prev",
    -height => .5,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -activebackground => 'green',
    -command => sub {
            $preview_showing-- if ($preview_showing > 0);
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "Value: ",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold',
        -side => 'left',
        -padx => 2
    -textvariable => \$value,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'left'

#Our buttons for finding or clearing results
my $clear_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
my $find_button = $clear_frame->Button(
    -text => "Find",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -activebackground => 'green',
    -command => [\&find_results]
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "Clear",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -activebackground => 'green',
    -command => [\&clear_results]
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "Time:",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'left',
        -padx => 3
    -textvariable => \$search_time,
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold',
    -width => 6
        -side => 'left',
        -padx => 3

#our bottom button frame
my $button_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'bottom',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -text => "Save Board",
    -command => [\&save_select],
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -background => 'orange',
    -activebackground => 'green'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "Load Board",
    -command => [\&load_select],
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -background => 'orange',
    -activebackground => 'green'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5

#configure file browsing object
my $dictionary_window = $MW->FileDialog(
    -Title => 'Select Word List',
    -SelHook => \&start,
    -ShowAll => 1,
    -Create => 0
my $load_window = $MW->FileDialog(
    -Title => 'Select Board to Load',
    -SelHook => \&load_board,
    -ShowAll => 1,
    -Create => 0
my $save_window = $MW->FileDialog(
    -Title => 'Where to Save Board',
    -SelHook => \&save_board,
    -ShowAll => 1,
    -Create => 1

#Pop up our window to get word list

#This function creates our scrabble class
#and gets things started
sub start($) {
    my ($word_list) = @_;
    my $dir = $word_list;
    while (chop($dir) ne '/') {}

    #bring down this window
        -Path => $dir
        -Path => $dir

    #load module and board
    unless ($scrabble = Skrabbel->new($word_list)) {
        pop_message("Constructor Failed",1);

#This just updates the values of our displayed board
#based on the 2-D array-ref argument
sub update_board($) {
    my ($new_board) = @_;
    for (my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        for (my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
            my $txt = $$new_board[$x][$y];
                -text => "$txt"

#This function previews an additional word on our board
sub preview($) {
    my ($move) = @_;
    my $val_buffer = $$move{'value'};
    $value = $val_buffer;

    #breaking word into array of chars
    my @word_array = split(//,uc($$move{'word'}));

    #first update to actual board
    #if horiz we preview here
    if($$move{'orientation'} eq "Horizontal") {
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$$move{'x_pt'}); $x < length($$move{'w
+ord'}); $x++,$tmp_x++) {
                -text => "$word_array[$x]"
    #if vertical then here
    elsif($$move{'orientation'} eq "Vertical") {
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$$move{'y_pt'}); $y < length($$move{'w
+ord'}); $y++,$tmp_y++) {
                -text => "$word_array[$y]"

#this function just clears all our fields
#and resets our board
sub clear_results() {
    $num_results = '';
    $my_letters = '';
    $value = '';

#This function gathers the data in entry_frame
#And tries to add a word to our board!
sub add_word() {
    #Some basic error-checking
    if ($x_pt =~ /\D/ || $y_pt =~ /\D/ || $x_pt > 14 || $x_pt < 0 ||
        $y_pt > 14 || $y_pt < 0 || $y_pt eq "" || $x_pt eq "") {
        pop_message("Coordinates Are Improper",0);
        return 0;

    #have our object add this word
    if($scrabble->add_word($entry_word, $x_pt, $y_pt, $orientation)) {
        return 1;
    else {
        pop_message("New Word Won't Fit On Board",0);
        return 0;

#Here we pop our filedialog to select file to load
sub load_select() {

#Here we load the board in the functions first and only argument
sub load_board($) {
    my ($file) = @_;

    #let's have our filedialog pop up in this dir next time
    my $dir = $file;
    while (chop($dir) ne "/") {};
        -Path => $dir

    #Now we call our class and get it done
    if($scrabble->load_board($file)) {
        return 1;
    else {
        pop_message("Couldn't Load Board At: $file",0);
        return 0;

#Here we pop up our filedialog to select file to save board to
sub save_select() {

#Here we save our board to the file in the functions first
#and only argument
sub save_board($) {
    my ($file) = @_;

    #let's have our filedialog pop up in this dir next time
    my $dir = $file;
    while (chop($dir) ne "/") {};
        -Path => $dir

    #Now we call our class and get it done
    if($scrabble->save_board($file)) {
        pop_message("Board Saved Successfully",0);
        return 1;
    else {
        pop_message("Couldn't Save Board To: $file",0);
        return 0;

#Here we ask our object to do it's thing and we find
#the top results.
sub find_results() {
    my $time = time();
    $best_moves = $scrabble->find_results($my_letters, $num_results);
    $time = time() - $time;
    my $min = int($time/60);
    my $sec = $time - ($min * 60);
    $search_time = "$min" . "m " . "$sec" . "s";
    if($best_moves) {
        $preview_showing = 0;
        pop_message("Move Search Complete",0);
    else {
        pop_message("Find Request Failed",0);

#This function replaces our Win32 MsgBox's.  We pop
#up message and then whether it's a program ender
#or just a message.
sub pop_message($$) {
    my ($msg,$death) = @_;

    #Create our toplevel object
    my $PW = $MW->Toplevel(
        -title => "Message For Ya",
        -takefocus => 1
    $PW->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',sub {;});

    #If it's the end we take away MW
    if ($death) {

    #Now make our label and button
        -text => "$msg",
        -font => [
            -size => 10,
            -weight => 'bold'
            -side => 'top',
            -pady => 5
    my $button = $PW->Button(
        -text => "Ok",
        -font => [
            -size => 10,
            -weight => 'bold'
        -activebackground => 'green',
        -width => 10,
        -command => [ sub {
                if ($death) {
                else {
            } ]
            -side => 'top',
            -pady => 5

    #Pop up our window
This is the module. It should become
package Skrabbel;

use strict;

#our letter values
my %letter_values = (
    "A" => 1,
    "B" => 3,
    "C" => 3,
    "D" => 2,
    "E" => 1,
    "F" => 4,
    "G" => 2,
    "H" => 4,
    "I" => 1,
    "J" => 8,
    "K" => 5,
    "L" => 1,
    "M" => 3,
    "N" => 1,
    "O" => 1,
    "P" => 3,
    "Q" => 10,
    "R" => 1,
    "S" => 1,
    "T" => 1,
    "U" => 1,
    "V" => 4,
    "W" => 4,
    "X" => 8,
    "Y" => 4,
    "Z" => 10

#our premium squares
my @premium_squares;
for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "  ";

#make the 3W (Triple Word) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (0,7,14) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "3W";

#make the 2W (Double Word) squares
foreach my $x (1,2,3,4,7) {
    $premium_squares[$x][$x] = "2W";
    $premium_squares[$x][14 - $x] = "2W";
    $premium_squares[14 - $x][$x] = "2W";
    $premium_squares[14 - $x][14 - $x] = "2W";

#make the 3L (Triple Letter) squares
foreach my $x (5,9) {
    foreach my $y (5,9) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "3L";
foreach my $x (1,13) {
    foreach my $y (1,5) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "3L";
        $premium_squares[$x][14 - $y] = "3L";

#make the 2L (Double Letter) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (3,11) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "2L";
        $premium_squares[$y][$x] = "2L";
foreach my $x (2,12,6,8) {
    foreach my $y (6,8) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "2L";
        $premium_squares[$y][$x] = "2L";


#Our constructor.  Takes a file location
#and loads the word-list in it
sub new($$) {
    my ($self, $word_file) = @_;

    #Load our word list, if we have one
    my @word_list = ();
    if($word_file) {
        open(LST, '<', $word_file)
            or return 0;
        @word_list = <LST>;
    for(my $x = 0; $x < scalar(@word_list); $x++) {
        $word_list[$x] =~ s/\s+//g;
        $word_list[$x] = lc($word_list[$x]);

    #Create our current board
    my @current_board;
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
            $current_board[$x][$y] = ' ';

    #Instantiate our object
    bless {
        word_list => \@word_list,
        current_board => \@current_board
    }, $self;

#This function takes a file-location
#and loads the formatted board in it
sub load_board($$) {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    open(BRD, '<', $file)
        or return 0;
    chomp(my @current_board = <BRD>);
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        $current_board[$x] = [ split('-',$current_board[$x]) ];
    $self->{current_board} = \@current_board;

    return 1;

#This function saves our curr_board to the file
#location in argument.
sub save_board($$) {
    my ($self,$file) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #Open our file
    open(BRD, '>', $file)
        or return 0;

    #Now we print it out
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 14; $y++) {
        for(my $x = 0; $x < 14; $x++) {
            print BRD $$current_board[$y][$x],"-";
        print BRD $$current_board[$y][14],"\n";
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 14; $x++) {
        print BRD $$current_board[14][$x],"-";
    print BRD $$current_board[14][14];

    #close our file

    #and return our success
    return 1;

#This function takes all data for adding
#a new word to the board
sub add_word($$$$$) {
    my ($self, $new_word, $x_pt, $y_pt, $orientation) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #Properly format our word
    $new_word = uc($new_word);
    $new_word =~ s/\s+//g;

    #Break our word up into an array of chars.
    my @word_array = split(//,$new_word);

    #checking that new addition is a valid move
    my $connection = 0; #whether the word is touching another
    #if true it must be our first move
    if ($self->board_empty()) {
        $connection = 1;
    elsif($orientation eq "Horizontal") {
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$x_pt); $x < scalar(@word_array); $x++
+,$tmp_x++) {
            return 0 if ($tmp_x > 14);
            if($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/) {
                return 0 if ($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] ne $word_a
                $connection = 1;
    elsif($orientation eq "Vertical") {
        my $tmp_y = $y_pt;
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$y_pt); $y < scalar(@word_array); $y++
+,$tmp_y++) {
            return 0 if ($tmp_y > 14);
            if($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] =~ /\S/) {
                return 0 if ($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] ne $word_a
                $connection = 1;
    else {
        return 0;
    return 0 unless ($connection);

    #If we're still here than it must be valid so we add it
    if($orientation eq "Horizontal") {
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$x_pt); $x < scalar(@word_array); $x++
+,$tmp_x++) {
            $$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] = $word_array[$x];
    elsif($orientation eq "Vertical") {
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$y_pt); $y < scalar(@word_array); $y++
+,$tmp_y++) {
            $$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] = $word_array[$y];
    else {
        return 0;

    #Got here without an error so we return success!
    return 1;

#This master function tries to find the best moves possible
sub find_results($$$) {
    my ($self, $letters, $num) = @_;
    $letters = uc($letters);
    $letters =~ s/\s//g;

    #Verify our arguments to be valid
    unless($letters =~ /\S/) {
        return 0;
    unless($num =~ /\d/) {
        return 0;

    #Here's our array of hash-references of best moves
    #which we'll fill, sort, shorten, and finally return
    my @best_moves;

    #Let's look for horizontal entry positions first
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        unless($self->row_empty($y)) {
            my $tmp_letters = $letters . $self->row_letters($y);
            my $words = $self->words_with($tmp_letters);
            foreach my $word (@{$words}) {
                for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
                    my $tmp_move = $self->validate($letters, $word, $y
+, $x, "Horizontal");
                    if($tmp_move) {
                        my $value = $self->value($word, $y, $x, "Horiz
                        my %tmp_move = (
                            "word" => $word,
                            "orientation" => "Horizontal",
                            "value" => $value,
                            "y_pt" => $y,
                            "x_pt" => $x
                        push(@best_moves, \%tmp_move);
            @best_moves = sort {$$b{"value"} <=> $$a{"value"}} @best_m
            while(scalar(@best_moves) > $num) {
    #now lets look for vertical entry positions
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        unless($self->col_empty($x)) {
            my $tmp_letters = $letters . $self->col_letters($x);
            my $words = $self->words_with($tmp_letters);
            foreach my $word (@{$words}) {
                for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
                    my $tmp_move = $self->validate($letters, $word, $y
+, $x, "Vertical");
                    if($tmp_move) {
                        my $value = $self->value($word, $y, $x, "Verti
                        my %tmp_move = (
                            "word" => uc($word),
                            "orientation" => "Vertical",
                            "value" => $value,
                            "y_pt" => $y,
                            "x_pt" => $x
                        push(@best_moves, \%tmp_move);
            @best_moves = sort {$$b{"value"} <=> $$a{"value"}} @best_m
            while(scalar(@best_moves) > $num) {
    } close(BUG);

    return \@best_moves;

#This function returns the value of the move
#given in the arguments
sub value($$$$$) {
    my ($self, $word, $y_pt, $x_pt, $orientation) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();
    my $word = uc($word);

    #Time to break our word into array of chars.
    my @word_array = split(//,$word);

    #Here's our full value we're going to add on to
    my $full_value = 0;
    my $double = 0; #whether to double our final value
    my $triple = 0; #whether to triple our final value
    my $letters_used = 0; #if 7 we can add all letters bonus

    #Time to value if it's horizontal
    if($orientation eq "Horizontal") {
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$x_pt); $x < scalar(@word_array); $x++
+,$tmp_x++) {
            #if letter already here we just add it's normal value
            if($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/) {
                $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$x]};
                if($premium_squares[$y_pt][$tmp_x] eq "  ") {
                    $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$x]};
                    if($premium_squares[$y_pt][$tmp_x] eq "2L") {
                        $full_value += ($letter_values{$word_array[$x]
+}) * 2;
                    elsif($premium_squares[$y_pt][$tmp_x] eq "3L") {
                        $full_value += ($letter_values{$word_array[$x]
+}) * 3;
                    elsif($premium_squares[$y_pt][$tmp_x] eq "2W") {
                        $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$x]}
                        $double = 1;
                    elsif($premium_squares[$y_pt][$tmp_x] eq "3W") {
                        $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$x]}
                        $triple = 1;
            #now if there's a letter above or below we want to add tha
            if(($$current_board[$y_pt-1][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $y_pt > 0)
            || ($$current_board[$y_pt+1][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $y_pt < 14
+)) {
                my $p = $y_pt - 1;
                while($$current_board[$p][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $p >= 0) 
                while($p < $y_pt) {
                    $full_value += $letter_values{$$current_board[$p][
                $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$x]};
                while($$current_board[$p][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $p < 15) 
                    $full_value += $letter_values{$$current_board[$p][
    #now time to do it vertically
    elsif($orientation eq "Vertical") {
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$y_pt); $y < scalar(@word_array); $y++
+,$tmp_y++) {
            #if letter already here we just add it's normal value
            if($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] =~ /\S/) {
                $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$y]};
                 if($premium_squares[$tmp_y][$x_pt] eq "  ") {
                    $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$y]};
                    if($premium_squares[$tmp_y][$x_pt] eq "2L") {
                        $full_value += ($letter_values{$word_array[$y]
+}) * 2;
                    elsif($premium_squares[$tmp_y][$x_pt] eq "3L") {
                        $full_value += ($letter_values{$word_array[$y]
+}) * 3;
                    elsif($premium_squares[$tmp_y][$x_pt] eq "2W") {
                        $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$y]}
                        $double = 1;
                    elsif($premium_squares[$tmp_y][$x_pt] eq "3W") {
                        $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$y]}
                        $triple = 1;
            #now if there's a letter behind or in front we add this to
            if(($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt-1] =~ /\S/ && $x_pt > 0)
            || ($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt+1] =~ /\S/ && $x_pt < 14
+)) {
                my $p = $x_pt - 1;
                while($$current_board[$tmp_y][$p] =~ /\S/ && $p >= 0) 
                while($p < $x_pt) {
                    $full_value += $letter_values{$$current_board[$tmp
                $full_value += $letter_values{$word_array[$y]};
                while($$current_board[$tmp_y][$p] =~ /\S/ && $p < 15) 
                    $full_value += $letter_values{$$current_board[$tmp


    #now whether to double or triple or boost our results
    $full_value *= 2 if ($double);
    $full_value *= 3 if ($triple);
    $full_value += 50 if ($letters_used == 7);

    #and now to return our result
    return $full_value;

#This function decides whether a move is legal
#Using the current word-list.
sub validate($$$$$$) {
    my ($self, $letters, $word, $y_pt, $x_pt, $orientation) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();
    $word = uc($word);
    $letters = uc($letters);

    #Break our word up into an array of chars.
    my @word_array = split(//,$word);

    my $connection = 0; #whether the word is touching another
    my $use_letter = 0; #whether we use any of our letters
    #time to validate if horizontal
    if($orientation eq "Horizontal") {
        return 0 if ($x_pt > (15 - length($word)));
        #now to see if we made a runon-word with one behind or in fron
+t of us
        return 0 if (($$current_board[$y_pt][$x_pt-1] =~ /\S/ && $x_pt
+ > 0) ||
        ($$current_board[$y_pt][$x_pt+length($word)] =~ /\S/ && $x_pt 
+< (15 - length($word))));
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$x_pt); $x < scalar(@word_array); $x++
+,$tmp_x++) {
            #if there's a letter here we make sure it matches
            if($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/) {
                return 0 if ($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] ne $word_a
                $connection = 1;
            #if no letter here we make sure we have this letter to pla
            else {
                return 0 unless ($letters =~ s/$word_array[$x]//);
                $use_letter = 1;
        return 0 unless ($connection && $use_letter);
        #now we look up and down to see if we're touching, at each spo
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$x_pt); $x < scalar(@word_array); $x++
+,$tmp_x++) {
            next if ($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/);
            if(($$current_board[$y_pt-1][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $y_pt > 0)
            || ($$current_board[$y_pt+1][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $y_pt < 14
+)) {
                my $vert_word;
                my $p = $y_pt - 1;
                while($$current_board[$p][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $p >= 0) 
                while($p < $y_pt) {
                    $vert_word .= $$current_board[$p][$tmp_x];
                $vert_word .= $word_array[$x];
                while($$current_board[$p][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/ && $p < 15) 
                    $vert_word .= $$current_board[$p][$tmp_x];
                return 0 unless $self->word_in_dictionary($vert_word);
    #now time to validate if vertical
    elsif($orientation eq "Vertical") {
        return 0 if ($y_pt > (15 - length($word)));
        #now to see if we made a runon-word with one below or above us
        return 0 if (($$current_board[$y_pt-1][$x_pt] =~ /\S/ && $y_pt
+ > 0) ||
        ($$current_board[$y_pt+length($word)][$x_pt] =~ /\S/ && $y_pt 
+< (15 - length($word))));
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$y_pt); $y < scalar(@word_array); $y++
+,$tmp_y++) {
            #if there's a letter here we make sure it matches
            if($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] =~ /\S/) {
                return 0 if ($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] ne $word_a
                $connection = 1;
            #if no letter here we make sure we have this letter to pla
            else {
                return 0 unless ($letters =~ s/$word_array[$y]//);
                $use_letter = 1;
        return 0 unless ($connection && $use_letter);
        #now we look left and right to see if we're touching, at each 
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$y_pt); $y < scalar(@word_array); $y++
+,$tmp_y++) {
            next if ($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] =~ /\S/);
            if(($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt-1] =~ /\S/ && $x_pt > 0)
            || ($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt+1] =~ /\S/ && $x_pt < 14
+)) {
                my $horiz_word;
                my $p = $x_pt - 1;
                while($$current_board[$tmp_y][$p] =~ /\S/ && $p >= 0) 
                while($p < $x_pt) {
                    $horiz_word .= $$current_board[$tmp_y][$p];
                $horiz_word .= $word_array[$y];
                while($$current_board[$tmp_y][$p] =~ /\S/ && $p < 15) 
                    $horiz_word .= $$current_board[$tmp_y][$p];
                return 0 unless $self->word_in_dictionary($horiz_word)
    else {
        return 0;

    #Well it must be good then, so we return true
    return 1;

#This function returns a reference to an array
#of all words with given letters in our dictionary
sub words_with($$) {
    my ($self, $letters) = @_;
    my $word_list = $self->word_list();

    #now to build our array to return
    my @words;
    foreach my $word (@{$word_list}) {
        next unless (length($word) > 2);
        if ($self->match($letters, $word)) {
            push(@words, $word);

    #Now to return reference to our array
    return \@words;

#This bool function returns whether the second argument
#string can be built with the first arguments letters
sub match($$$) {
    my ($self, $letters, $word) = @_;
    return 0 if (length($word) > length($letters));
    $letters = lc($letters);
    $word = lc($word);

    #Now we build our hashes
    my (%letter_hash);
    while($letters) {
    while($word) {

    #Now to analyze
    my ($key,$value);
    while(($key,$value) = each(%letter_hash)) {
        return 0 if ($value < 0);

    #Must be good
    return 1;

#This bool function just returns whether
#given word is in dictionary.
sub word_in_dictionary($$) {
    my ($self, $new_word) = @_;
    $new_word = lc($new_word);
    my $word_list = $self->word_list();

    #now to check each word for equality
    foreach my $word (@{$word_list}) {
        return 1 if ($new_word eq $word);
    return 0;

#This bool function returns whether or not
#the given row on the board is empty.
sub row_empty($$) {
    my ($self, $row) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #Now to check this row
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        return 0 if ($$current_board[$row][$x] =~ /\S/);

    #Well if they were all empty we return true
    return 1;

#This bool function returns whether or not
#the given column on the board is empty.
sub col_empty($$) {
    my ($self, $col) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #Now to check this column
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        return 0 if ($$current_board[$y][$col] =~ /\S/);

    #Well if all empty we return true
    return 1;

#This function returns all the letters on a given row
sub row_letters($$) {
    my ($self, $row) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #So let's get all our letters
    my $row_letters;
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        if($$current_board[$row][$x] =~ /\S/) {
            $row_letters .= $$current_board[$row][$x];

    #And we return our letters
    return $row_letters;

#This function returns all the letters on a given column
sub col_letters($$) {
    my ($self, $col) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #So let's get all our letters
    my $col_letters;
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        if($$current_board[$y][$col] =~ /\S/) {
            $col_letters .= $$current_board[$y][$col];

    #And we return our letters
    return $col_letters;

#This bool function just tells whether board is empty
sub board_empty($) {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
            return 0 if ($$current_board[$y][$x] =~ /\S/);
    return 1;

#This function just returns our object's
#Current_board reference
sub curr_board($) {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{current_board};

#This just returns our word list
sub word_list($) {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{word_list};
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Skrabbel 2
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 14, 2002 at 22:01 UTC
    Instead of switching to Inline::C or XS you might want to try a different algorithm such as Appel and Jacobson:
      Now *there* is an interesting project. I think I'll just have to pick that up... nope, it's not on CPAN. But the WWW::Scrabble module I pulled off aaronland is kinda interesting, but no -- it just pulls definitions off hasbro's website, it's not *playing* scrabble.

      Guess I'll have to write Lingua::Scrabble... anyone else want to work on that with me?
Re: Skrabbel 2
by Fideist11 (Sexton) on Aug 08, 2002 at 21:59 UTC
    Ahhh I got logged in this time. But can someone still explain to me how to edit this code-post to be in my name and how to alter that link? Thanks a bunch.
Re: Skrabbel 2
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 08, 2002 at 21:51 UTC
    Crap! This is my code and I didn't mean to submit it anonymously...Also I'd like to make my URL a clickable link in the description. Can somebody inform me how I can edit/change this post?
Re: Skrabbel 2
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 08, 2002 at 21:57 UTC
    DAMMIT! Everytime I click "Offer Reply" I get logged out again and then when i log back in it takes me off the "Offer Reply" window. What a circular dead-end! *I* am Fideist11. How the hell do i fix this?
      No I'm Brian!

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