Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info Justin Bishop
Description: This program is actually a scrabble-module i wrote with a tk-script wrapped around it. It requires Tk, Tk::FileDialog, and Win32. Win32 is only used for it's MsgBox function in pop-up error messages. Minus these MsgBox's, the program should be cross-platform. You can add moves to the board, load boards from a preset file (with a homemade board-specification syntax) and then resave the board later on in the game. The board also highlights and tracks all premium squares and validates all new moves. An example of a board-file is included at the bottom of the code. The scrabble module maintains a 2-D array of board, a hash of all letter values (like F => 4), and the location and type of all premium squares. I hope to use this foundation, (along with a scrabble dictionary word list) to build the logic to discover the best possible move in every single possible scenario.
use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::DialogBox;
use Tk::FileDialog;
use Tk::Checkbutton;
use File::Glob;
use Win32;

#My custom class.
use Scrabble;

#Our Important Globals
my $MW; #MainWindow
my $scrabble; #Our class object that maintains the game
my $board_frame; #Frame for Scrabble Board
my $entry_frame; #Frame for all entries
my @square_frames; #1-D Array of Frames
my @squares; #2-D Array of Labels (15x15)
my $entry_word; #Word to enter onto board
my $x_pt; #X coordinate point on board
my $y_pt; #Y coordinate point on board
my $orientation; #Direction of new word (Horizontal,Vertical)

#Set up the mainwindow
$MW = MainWindow->new(
    -title => "Scrabbler"

#Set up our board_frame
$board_frame = $MW->Frame(
        -side => 'left',
my $top_axis_frame = $board_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x'
    -text => " # ",
    -width => 2,
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold',
        -size => 12
    -relief => 'flat',
    -borderwidth => 1
        -side => 'left',
        -padx => 1
for (my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        -text => " $x ",
        -width => 2,
        -font => [
            -weight => 'bold',
            -size => 12
        -relief => 'flat',
        -borderwidth => 1
            -side => 'left',
            -padx => 1,
            -pady => 1
for (my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
    $square_frames[$x] = $board_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -expand => 1
        -text => " $x ",
        -width => 2,
        -font => [
            -weight => 'bold',
            -size => 12
        -relief => 'flat',
        -borderwidth => 1
            -side => 'left',
            -padx => 1
    for (my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        $squares[$x][$y] = $square_frames[$x]->Label(
            -text => "   ",
            -width => 2,
            -font => [
                -weight => 'bold',
                -size => 12
            -relief => 'sunken',
            -borderwidth => 1
                -side => 'left',
                -padx => 1

#Color our squares on board_frame
#make the 3W (Triple Word) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (0,7,14) {
            -background => 'red'
#make the 2W (Double Word) squares
foreach my $x (1,2,3,4,7) {
            -background => 'orange'
    $squares[$x][14 - $x]->configure(
            -background => 'orange'
    $squares[14 - $x][$x]->configure(
            -background => 'orange'
    $squares[14 - $x][14 - $x]->configure(
            -background => 'orange'
#make the 3L (Triple Letter) squares
foreach my $x (5,9) {
    foreach my $y (5,9) {
            -background => 'blue'
foreach my $x (1,13) {
    foreach my $y (1,5,9,13) {
            -background => 'blue'
#make the 2L (Double Letter) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (3,11) {
            -background => 'yellow'
            -background => 'yellow'
foreach my $x (2,12,6,8) {
    foreach my $y (6,8) {
            -background => 'yellow'
            -background => 'yellow'

#set our Entries frame
$entry_frame = $MW->Frame(
        -side => 'right',
        -fill => 'both',
        -expand => 1

#Our "Place Move" title
    -text => "Place Move",
    -font => [
        -size => 12,
        -weight => 'bold',
        -underline => 1
        -side => 'top'

#Our Word-Entry frame
my $word_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -textvariable => \$entry_word,
    -width => 15,
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "Word: ",
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'

#Our Coordinate Entry Frame
my $location_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -textvariable => \$x_pt,
    -width => 2,
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => " col:"
        -side => 'right'
    -textvariable => \$y_pt,
    -width => 2,
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "row:"
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "Starting Point: ",
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'

#Our Direction Entry Frame
my $direction_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'top',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -variable => \$orientation,
    -options => [
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'
    -text => "Orientation: ",
    -font => [
        -weight => 'bold'
        -side => 'right'

#Our button to activate place-move
    -text => "Add Word",
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -command => [\&add_word],
    -background => 'orange',
    -activebackground => 'green'
        -side => 'top',
        -anchor => 'e',
        -pady => 5

#our bottom button frame
my $button_frame = $entry_frame->Frame(
        -side => 'bottom',
        -fill => 'x',
        -pady => 5
    -text => "Save Board",
    -command => [\&save_select],
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -background => 'orange',
    -activebackground => 'green'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5
    -text => "Load Board",
    -command => [\&load_select],
    -font => [
        -size => 10,
        -weight => 'bold'
    -background => 'orange',
    -activebackground => 'green'
        -side => 'right',
        -padx => 5

#configure file browsing object
my $load_window = $MW->FileDialog(
    -Title => 'Select Board to Load',
    -SelHook => \&load_board,
    -ShowAll => 1,
    -Create => 0
my $save_window = $MW->FileDialog(
    -Title => 'Where to Save Board',
    -SelHook => \&save_board,
    -ShowAll => 1,
    -Create => 1

#load module and board
unless ($scrabble = Scrabble->new("Not Used")) {
    print "Constructor Failed\n";


#This just updates the values of our displayed board
#based on the 2-D array-ref argument
sub update_board($) {
    my ($new_board) = @_;
    for (my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        for (my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
            my $txt = $$new_board[$x][$y];
                -text => "$txt"

#This function gathers the data in entry_frame
#And tries to add a word to our board!
sub add_word() {
    #Some basic error-checking
    if ($x_pt =~ /\D/ || $y_pt =~ /\D/ || $x_pt > 14 || $x_pt < 0 ||
        $y_pt > 14 || $y_pt < 0 || $y_pt eq "" || $x_pt eq "") {
        Win32::MsgBox("Coordinates Are Improper",48,"Error");
        return 0;

    #have our object add this word
    if($scrabble->add_word($entry_word, $x_pt, $y_pt, $orientation)) {
        return 1;
    else {
        Win32::MsgBox("New Word Won't Fit On Board",48,"Error");
        return 0;

#Here we pop our filedialog to select file to load
sub load_select() {

#Here we load the board in the functions first and only argument
sub load_board($) {
    my ($file) = @_;

    #let's have our filedialog pop up in this dir next time
    my $dir = $file;
    while (chop($dir) ne "/") {};
    $load_window->configure(-Path => $dir);

    #Now we call our class and get it done
    if($scrabble->load_board($file)) {
        return 1;
    else {
        Win32::MsgBox("Couldn't Load Board At: $file",48,"Error");
        return 0;

#Here we pop up our filedialog to select file to save board to
sub save_select() {

#Here we save our board to the file in the functions first
#and only argument
sub save_board($) {
    my ($file) = @_;

    #let's have our filedialog pop up in this dir next time
    my $dir = $file;
    while (chop($dir) ne "/") {};
    $save_window->configure(-Path => $dir);

    #Now we call our class and get it done
    if($scrabble->save_board($file)) {
        Win32::MsgBox("Board Saved Successfully",48,"All Good");
        return 1;
    else {
        Win32::MsgBox("Couldn't Save Board To: $file",48,"Error");
        return 0;

#Starting here put this in
package Scrabble;

use strict;

#our letter values
my %letter_values = (
    "A" => 1,
    "B" => 3,
    "C" => 3,
    "D" => 2,
    "E" => 1,
    "F" => 4,
    "G" => 2,
    "H" => 4,
    "I" => 1,
    "J" => 8,
    "K" => 5,
    "L" => 1,
    "M" => 3,
    "N" => 1,
    "O" => 1,
    "P" => 3,
    "Q" => 10,
    "R" => 1,
    "S" => 1,
    "T" => 1,
    "U" => 1,
    "V" => 4,
    "W" => 4,
    "X" => 8,
    "Y" => 4,
    "Z" => 10

#our premium squares
my @premium_squares;
for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "  ";

#make the 3W (Triple Word) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (0,7,14) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "3W";

#make the 2W (Double Word) squares
foreach my $x (1,2,3,4,7) {
    $premium_squares[$x][$x] = "2W";
    $premium_squares[$x][14 - $x] = "2W";
    $premium_squares[14 - $x][$x] = "2W";
    $premium_squares[14 - $x][14 - $x] = "2W";

#make the 3L (Triple Letter) squares
foreach my $x (5,9) {
    foreach my $y (5,9) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "3L";
foreach my $x (1,13) {
    foreach my $y (1,5,9,13) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "3L";

#make the 2L (Double Letter) squares
foreach my $x (0,7,14) {
    foreach my $y (3,11) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "2L";
        $premium_squares[$y][$x] = "2L";
foreach my $x (2,12,6,8) {
    foreach my $y (6,8) {
        $premium_squares[$x][$y] = "2L";
        $premium_squares[$y][$x] = "2L";


#Our constructor.  Takes a file location
#and loads the word-list in it
sub new($$) {
    my ($self, $word_file) = @_;

    #Load our word list
    print "Now loading word_list...\n";
    #open(LST, '<', $word_file)
    #    or return 0;
    #chomp(my @word_list = <LST>);

    #Create our current board
    my @current_board;
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        for(my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
            $current_board[$x][$y] = ' ';
    bless {
    #    word_list => \@word_list,
        current_board => \@current_board
    }, $self;

#This function takes a file-location
#and loads the formatted board in it
sub load_board($$) {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    open(BRD, '<', $file)
        or return 0;
    chomp(my @current_board = <BRD>);
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        $current_board[$x] = [ split('-',$current_board[$x]) ];
    $self->{current_board} = \@current_board;

    return 1;

#This function saves our curr_board to the file
#location in argument.
sub save_board($$) {
    my ($self,$file) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #Open our file
    open(BRD, '>', $file)
        or return 0;

    #Now we print it out
    for(my $y = 0; $y < 14; $y++) {
        for(my $x = 0; $x < 14; $x++) {
            print BRD $$current_board[$y][$x],"-";
        print BRD $$current_board[$y][14],"\n";
    print BRD $$current_board[14][14];

    #close our file

    #and return our success
    return 1;

#This function takes all data for adding
#a new word to the board
sub add_word($$$$$) {
    my ($self, $new_word, $x_pt, $y_pt, $orientation) = @_;

    #Properly format our word
    $new_word = uc($new_word);
    $new_word =~ s/\s//g;

    #Break our word up into an array of chars.
    my @word_array = ($new_word =~ /\w/g);

    #Get our current board
    my $current_board = $self->curr_board();

    #checking that new word fits and is non-trampling
    if($orientation eq "Horizontal") {
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$x_pt); $x < scalar(@word_array); $x++
+,$tmp_x++) {
            return 0 if ($tmp_x > 14);
            if($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] =~ /\S/) {
                return 0 if ($$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] ne $word_a
    elsif($orientation eq "Vertical") {
        my $tmp_y = $y_pt;
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$y_pt); $y < scalar(@word_array); $y++
+,$tmp_y++) {
            return 0 if ($tmp_y > 14);
            if($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] =~ /\S/) {
                return 0 if ($$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] ne $word_a
    else {
        return 0;

    #If we're still here than it must be valid so we add it
    if($orientation eq "Horizontal") {
        for(my ($x,$tmp_x) = (0,$x_pt); $x < scalar(@word_array); $x++
+,$tmp_x++) {
            $$current_board[$y_pt][$tmp_x] = $word_array[$x];
    elsif($orientation eq "Vertical") {
        for(my ($y,$tmp_y) = (0,$y_pt); $y < scalar(@word_array); $y++
+,$tmp_y++) {
            $$current_board[$tmp_y][$x_pt] = $word_array[$y];
    else {
        return 0;

    #Got here without an error so we return success!
    return 1;

#This function just returns our object's
#Current_board reference
sub curr_board($) {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{current_board};

#This function prints to STDOUT our board
sub print_board($) {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $current_board = $self->{current_board};
    for(my $x = 0; $x < 15; $x++) {
        for (my $y = 0; $y < 15; $y++) {
            print "$$current_board[$x][$y]";
        print "\n";
    print "\n";

#This bool function just returns whether
#given word is in dictionary.
sub word_in_dictionary($$) {
    my ($self, $new_word) = @_;
    $new_word = lc($new_word);
    foreach my $word (@{$self->{word_list}}) {
        return 1 if ($word eq $new_word);
    return 0;
#END of

#Here's a sample board-file.

A-S-P-I-R-I-N- - - - - - - - 
N- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
A- - - - - - -L- - - - - - - 
L- - - - - -F-O-O-D- - - - - 
Y- - - - - - -N- - - - - - -F
Z- - - - - - -E- - - - - - -L
E-E-L- - - - -L- - - - - - -A
 - - - - - - -Y- - - - - - -N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -D
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -R
 - - - - - - - - - -B-L-I-S-S
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Scrabble Game
by particle (Vicar) on Jul 26, 2002 at 01:46 UTC
    you can make the head of portion a bit shorter...

    #our letter values my %letter_values; @letter_values{qw/A E I L N O R S T U/} = 1; @letter_values{qw/D G/} = 2; @letter_values{qw/B C M P/} = 3; @letter_values{qw/F H V W Y/} = 4; @letter_values{qw/J K Q X Z/} = qw/8 5 10 8 10/; # Initialize Squares my @premium_squares = map { [(' ') x (15) ] } 1..15; # Triple Word @$_[0,7,14] = '3W' for @premium_squares[0,7,14]; # Double Word $premium_squares[$_][$_] = '2W' for 1..4,7,10..13; # Triple Letter @$_[5,9] = ('3L') x (2) for @premium_squares[5,9]; @$_[1,5,9,13] = ('3L') x (4) for @premium_squares[1,13]; # Double Letter @$_[3,11] = ('2L') x (2) for @premium_squares[0,7,14]; @$_[6,8] = ('2L') x (2) for @premium_squares[2,6,8,12]; @$_[2,6,8,12] = ('2L') x (4) for @premium_squares[6,8]; ## ...
    there's more, but i thought this would get you started. i haven't had a chance to run it yet, but it looks like it could be fun.

    ~Particle *accelerates*

      Yeah you do shorten up the syntax by typing it like that but i thought mine was more readable. The real fun was just trying to come up with *any* solid algorithm to fill in the premium squares instead of just listing each coordinate and it's value one by one. Your changes really use the same formulas for filling in the squares it just spells it out differently...can you come up with an algorithmically better (or just different) approach to labeling all the premiums?
Re: Scrabble Game
by zentara (Archbishop) on Jul 26, 2002 at 15:02 UTC
    If you really want to make this a cool game, figure out how
    2 players can play via the net. I might also change the name.
    I was using a Scrabble game back in the Windows days, it ran
    over IRC channels. It was really cool. You could play anyone
    on the net, but whoever owns the real Scrabble Boardgame
    sued the guy to force him to quit distributing it
      I wasn't really after a game-playing program for 2 people to sit down and play a game of scrabble on...Otherwise i would include things like automatic scorekeeping, etc.... Rather this is just the foundation to the ultimate goal of finding the best play(s) in any scenario.