Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info Graciliano M. P.
Description: Let's play with the PerlMonks site (code 0). This code get the page "Newest Nodes", see what users have posted, count the number of nodes, and show a list of user by activity.


use LWP::Simple ;


my $numdays = 1 ;
my $url = "$num
+days" ;

print "Getting Newest Nodes...\n" ;
print "$url\n" ;

$html = get($url);
$html =~ s/\r\n?/\n/gs ;
$html =~ s/<.*?>//gs ;

my (@users) = ( $html =~ /by\s+(\w+)\s*\n/gsi );

my %users ;
foreach my $users_i ( @users ) { $users{$users_i}++ ;}

my $total_usr ;
my $nodes = @users ;

print "-----------------------------\n" ;
foreach my $Key ( sort {$users{$b} <=> $users{$a}} keys %users ) {
  my $Value = $users{$Key} ;
  print "$Key = $Value\n" ;
  $total_usr++ ;
print "-----------------------------\n" ;
print "Total users: $total_usr\n" ;
print "Nodes: $nodes\n" ;
# Send your feedback!
# "The creativity is the expression of the liberty".
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Playing with PerlMonks site (0) - See what user was more active
by jmcnamara (Monsignor) on Jul 25, 2002 at 08:31 UTC

    Nice idea. :-)

    When I ran the program I noticed that some users were missing from the list. This is due to the regex that extracts the usernames. This is a bit better:

    # Don't strip the tags #$html =~ s/<.*?>//gs ; my (@users) = $html =~ /<td>by\s[^>]+>([^<]+)/gs ; # Or this if there are Perlmonks with "<" in their username my (@users) = $html =~ m[<td>by\s[^>]+>(.*?)</a>]gs ;


      Well, I just made it for fun. About the tags, if the user has < or > in the username, I think that the system show this in the html source like &lt; and &gt;, or we cant see this in the browser! Thanks for the reply! Make your code for "Playing with PerlMonks site" too.

      "The creativity is the expression of the liberty".
Re: Playing with PerlMonks site (0) - See what user was more active
by Chady (Priest) on Jul 25, 2002 at 10:15 UTC
      Agreed.. and I using XML::Simple, it takes about 5 minutes to have a working client that does interesting stuff with the tickers and doesn't use quick&dirty regexing-HTML tricks.

      Makeshifts last the longest.