jcwren's node XPFixation -- The Essential Windows XP Whoring Tool presented an interesting tool which has two problems. It doesn't run on Linux and it doesn't use perl. We can't have that can we?

I set out to write something similiar. On my Linux box, I run a desktop environment called KDE. Rather than a tray icon, I decided to use a KDE program called AMOR (Amusing Misuse Of Resources) to display my XP status. AMOR makes a little animated character dance on top of whichever window has focus but more importantly it can also display some text in a bubble. KDE has an automation system called DCOP similiar to OLE (or whatever they're calling it this week) on Windows. While I believe there was a perl binding for DCOP at some point, I couldn't find it now. Luckily KDE also has a gateway to DCOP via XML-RPC (which can be accessed from perl with Frontier::RPC.) so I used that to control AMOR instead. I could also have used DCOP/XML-RPC to pop up a message box or play an MP3 via noatun (the KDE media player) if I wanted to.

How to get your XP? I could have scraped the HTML from the XP nodelet but that would have been tedious and prone to breakage. A better way is through the XP XML ticker. XML::Simple made short work of parsing it for the info I needed.

Anyway, without further ado, here is XPAddiction. I hope you like it and please send me any suggestions to enhance it.


!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; ################# # CONFIGURATION # ################# my $user = 'Your name'; my $passwd = 'Your password'; my $configdir = "$ENV{HOME}/.xpaddiction"; my $interval = 300; #### NO NEED TO EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE #### use Frontier::Client; use HTTP::Cookies; use HTTP::Request::Common; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Simple; while (1) { unless ( -d $configdir ) { mkdir $configdir or die "Cannot create configuration directory\n"; } my $oldxp = 0; if ( -f "$configdir/xp" ) { open (XP, '+<', "$configdir/xp") or die "Cannot open xp file\n"; $oldxp = <XP>; chomp $oldxp; close XP; } my $xp = getxp($user, $passwd, $configdir); my $delta = $xp - $oldxp; if ($delta > 0) { talktoamor("Hooray $user! Your Perl Monks XP increased by $delta +to $xp."); } elsif ($delta < 0) { talktoamor("Sorry $user! Your Perl Monks XP decreased by " . abs( +$delta) . " to $xp."); } else { talktoamor("Hey $user! Your Perl Monks XP is $xp."); } open (XP, '>', "$configdir/xp") or die "Cannot open xp file\n"; print XP $xp; close XP; sleep $interval; } sub getxp { my ($user, $passwd, $configdir) = @_ or die; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "$configdir/cookies.txt", autosave => 1), ); # simulate a login and get a cookie my $req = POST ('', { op => 'login', user => $user, passwd => $passwd, expires => '+10y', }); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { # get the ticker. $req = GET ('' +); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { my $ticker = XMLin($res->content); return $ticker->{XP}->{xp}; } } # something must have gone wrong. Display LWPs' error message warn 'Uh-oh!: ' . $res->status_line . "\n"; } sub talktoamor { my ($message) = @_ or die; open(KXMLRPCD, '<', "$ENV{HOME}/.kxmlrpcd") or die "Can't open configuration file. Is kxmlrpcd running?\n"; my ($port, $auth) = split(/,/, <KXMLRPCD>); chomp $auth; close KXMLRPCD; my $rpc = Frontier::Client->new(url => "http://localhost:$port/amor" +) or die "Cannot make RPC connection. Is amor running?\n"; $rpc->call('showTip', $auth, $message); } __END__ =pod =head1 NAME xpaddiction -- XP whoring for the rest of us =head1 SYNOPSIS B<./xpaddiction &> =head1 DESCRIPTION This script will log you into the Perl Monks website, access the XP XM +L ticker at regular intervals and tell you if your XP has changed via XML-RPC t +o the B<amor> program. =head1 INSTALLATION Make the script executable. You may have to change the first line if B<Perl> is not in F</usr/bin> on your system. You will also need the B<Frontier::RPC>, B<LWP>, and B<XML::Simple> packages from CPAN plus version 2 or above of the KDE desktop environment. This script has so + far only been tested on Linux and KDE 3.0.2 but should work elsewhere as l +ong as the prerequisites are met. In order for this script to do its' thing, the B<kxmlrpcd> and B<amor> programs from KDE must be running. In B<amor>'s options, "Allow application tips" must be selected. =head1 CONFIGURATION There are four values you can change in the configuration section at t +he top of the script: =over 4 =item I<$user> Your Perl Monks user ID. =item I<$passwd> Your Perl Monks password. =item I<$configdir> Where you want B<xpaddiction> to store its' stuff. =item I<$interval> The period in seconds the script should wait before checking your XP again. The default is 300 (5 minutes.) =back =head1 AUTHOR Jaldhar H. Vyas E<lt>jaldhar@braincells.comE<gt> =head1 LICENSE This code is free software under the Crowley Public License ("Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the license") =head1 VERSION 1.0 -- Jul 2, 2002 =cut

edited: Mon Jul 8 02:09:23 2002 by jeffa - added readmore tag