#!perl -w # MODULATOR by epoptai (with some crucial code from japhy's modlist.pl) # This tool lists installed perl modules, views module pod and source code, runs code examples*, and more. # *WARNING: THIS PROGRAM CAN EXECUTE USER SUPPLIED PERL CODE. # DO NOT ALLOW PUBLIC ACCESS TO THIS CGI SCRIPT! # http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node=MODULATOR $|++; use strict; use CGI qw(Vars :standard); use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser); use Pod::Html; use HTML::Entities; use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Find; use File::Spec::Functions 'rel2abs'; use Data::Dumper; BEGIN{ $_ = $0; $0 = " A module tried to modify this script. " } # perlmonks.org/index.pl?node=177129 my $this = $_; use vars qw($base $found %found %path); # CONFIGURATION my $bodytag = qq~~; my $showlocal = 0; # 0 excludes script dir from @INC, 1 includes it my $sitemods = 'site'; # bold modules from this directory, for example: 'site', leave blank for none my $synopsis_code_form = 'y'; # any value here puts the synopsis code in a form, leave blank to disable (my $cache = url(-relative=>1)) =~ s|(\.).*$|$1cache|; # set scriptname.cache as the cache filename eval "require '$cache'"; # use cache file if it exists %found = %{$found} if !$@ && %{$found}; my $now = time; my $url = url(); my %i = Vars; my $p = header; $p .= 'MODULATOR' unless $i{perlpod}; $p .= $bodytag if %i && !$i{perlpod}; cache('make') if $i{make}; # create cache cache('dele') if $i{dele}; # delete cache listmods() if $i{listmods}; # display left frame module list splash() if $i{splash}; # display right frame splash screen alpha() if $i{alpha}; # display alpha index env() if $i{env}; # display env vartiables selfurls() if $i{urls}; # display paths to this script synopsis() if $i{synopsis}; # eval code from synopsis form if($i{pm} && $i{title}){ # handle actions from module list perlpod($i{pm},$i{title}) if $i{perlpod}; # render pod as html perlmod($i{pm},$i{title}) if $i{perlmod}; # display module source code } $p .= qq~ ~ unless %i; if($i{showhash}){ $_ = findmodules(); $p .= '
'; } $p .= end_html if %i && !$i{perlpod}; print $p; # there can be only one sub listmods { # display the module list my $total = findmodules(); # populate %found $p .= qq~ Perl : $]
Path : $^X
INC : ~; for(@INC){ next if $showlocal eq '0' && $_ eq '.'; if($sitemods && /$sitemods/){ $p .= qq~$_ ~ } else{ $p .= qq~$_ ~ } } $p .= qq~

Show environment variables
Paths to this script
About - top

$total Installed Modules re

    ~; my %abc = (); for(sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %found){ my ($ltr,$tag) = ('') x 2; m|^(.)|; $ltr = lc($1) if $1; $abc{$ltr}++; $tag = "name='$ltr'" if $abc{$ltr} < 2; # name only the first link $tag = '' if $abc{$ltr} > 1; my($i1,$i2) = ('') x 2; ($i1,$i2) = ('','') if $sitemods && $found{$_}->{path} && $found{$_}->{path} =~ /$sitemods/; $p .= qq($i1
  1. $_ ° *$i2\n) if $found{$_}->{pod} && $found{$_}->{pod} == 1; # has pod $p .= qq($i1
  2. $_ ° *$i2\n) if !$found{$_}->{pod} || $found{$_}->{pod} == 2; # has no pod } } sub findmodules { # sub adapted from from modlist.pl (lines with #modlist) # http://www.crusoe.net/~jeffp/programs/modlist if(%found){ # if a cache file is in use %found will exist $_ = keys %found; return $_ } @path{@INC} = (); #modlist for $base (@INC) { #modlist next if $showlocal eq '0' && $base eq '.'; find(\&modules, $base) #modlist } my $t = keys %found; return $t if $_[0]; # skip the pod search? for my $f (keys %found){ # identify modules with pod my $it = load($found{$f}->{path}); if($it =~ /\n=[^c]\w/){ # find a pod directive besides =cut $found{$f}->{pod} = 1 # has pod } else{ $found{$f}->{pod} = 0 # no pod } } return $t } sub modules { # sub adapted from from modlist.pl (lines with #modlist) # http://www.crusoe.net/~jeffp/programs/modlist $File::Find::prune = 1, return if exists $path{$File::Find::dir} and $File::Find::dir ne $base; #modlist my $file = $File::Find::name; my $module = substr $File::Find::name, length $base; #modlist return unless $module =~ s|\.pm$||; #modlist $module =~ m|([\W^'])\w+$|; # discover directory delimiter returned by File::Find my $sep = $1; $module =~ s|^\Q$sep\E+||; $module =~ s|\Q$sep\E|::|g; $found{$module}->{path} = $file; } sub load { # load a file $_ = pop; open IT,"< $_\0" or die "Could not open $_ : $!"; @_ = ; close IT; return wantarray ? @_ : join '', @_; } sub perlpod { # show pod as html my $pod = $^T; if($i{title} eq $url){ # fix inter-module links $i{pm} =~ m|([\W^'])\w+\.html$|; # discover directory delimiter my $sep = $1; $i{pm} =~ s|\.html$||; $i{pm} =~ s|^\Q$sep\E||; $i{pm} =~ s|\Q$sep\E|::|g; $i{title} = $i{pm}; findmodules(); # populates %found $_[0] = $found{$i{pm}}->{path} if $found{$i{pm}}->{pod} == 1; } pod2html( "--htmlroot=$url?perlpod=1&title=$url&pm=", "--infile=$_[0]", "--outfile=$pod.html", "--title=$_[1]", "--backlink=Top", "--header", ); my $it = load("$pod.html"); unlink "$pod.html" or die "Could not delete $pod.html : $!"; $_ = 0; $_ = 1 if $it =~ m|
    |i; $it =~ s||$bodytag|i; $it =~ s|(

    SYNOPSIS<\/a><\/h1>)(.*?)(Top)|codeform($1,$2,$3)|eism if $synopsis_code_form; $p .= $it if $_ > 0; $p .= qq~No pod found in $_[0]~ if $_ < 1; } sub perlmod { # show module code $p .= '
    	my @it = load($i{pm}); # TAINTED
    	my $c = 1;
    		$_ = encode_entities($_);
    		$p .= qq~$c. $_~;
    	my $it = load($i{pm}); # TAINTED
    	$it = encode_entities($it);
    	$p .= $it
    $p .= '
    ' } sub synopsis { # eval code from a synopsis form return if $i{strip_html}; unless($i{noheader}){ $i{htmlhead} ? print header : print header('text/plain'); } # turn strict off by default for the eval form no strict; eval $i{synopsis} if $synopsis_code_form; # TAINTED, ETC print $@ if $@; exit } sub codeform { # display synopsis code in a form my($front,$coded,$rear) = @_; my @coded = split /\n/, $coded; my (%len,$c,$ex); for(@coded){ # determine width of textarea my $l = length($_); $len{$l} = $l } for(sort { $b <=> $a } keys %len){ $c = $len{$_}; last } my $r = @coded; # determine height of textarea $coded =~ s|||ig; $coded =~ s|<[^>]+>||g if $i{strip_html}; if($coded =~ m|<[^>]+>|){ $ex = qq~ ~; $ex .= qq~~ if $i{perlpod}; $ex .= qq~~ if $i{perlmod}; } $ex = '' if ! $ex; $coded = qq~$front

    $ex HTML No header

    $rear~; return $coded } sub view { # view file, any arg toggles text mode if(-e $i{pm}){ my $it = load($i{pm}); # TAINTED $it = encode_entities($it) and $p .= '

    ' if $_[0]; # text $p .= $it if !$_[0]; } else{ $p .= '

    File does not exist!' } } sub env { # show environment variables my $v = keys %ENV; $p .= qq~

    $v Environment Variables

    ~; for(sort { $a cmp $b } keys %ENV){ if(/DOCUMENT_ROOT|PWD|WINDIR|SCRIPT_FILENAME/){ $p .= qq~~; } elsif(/PATH/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|;|;
    |g; $p .= qq~~; } elsif(/HTTP_ACCEPT/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|,|,
    |g; $p .= qq~~; } elsif(/HTTP_COOKIE/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|;|;
    |g; $p .= qq~~; } elsif(/REMOTE_ADDR|SERVER_ADDR|HTTP_HOST/){ $p .= qq~~; } elsif(/SERVER_ADMIN/){ $p .= qq~~; } elsif(/SERVER_SIGNATURE/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|(|$1i>|igm; $p .= qq~~; } else{ $p .= qq~~; } } $p .= qq~
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    $_   $ENV{$_}
    ~; } sub divide { $_ = $_[0] / $_[1]; $_ = sprintf "%.1F", $_; return $_ } sub splash { # display splash screen (top/cache) $p .= qq~


    ~; if(-e $cache){ my @stats = stat(_); my $size = $stats[7] / 1024; $size = sprintf "%.0F", $size; $size .= 'k'; my $dif = $now - $stats[9]; my $tmp = divide($dif,'86400'); # days if($tmp < 1){ $tmp = divide($dif,'3600'); # hours if($tmp < 1){ $tmp = divide($dif,'60'); # minutes if($tmp < 1){ $tmp = $dif; $tmp = $tmp.' seconds'} # seconds else{ $tmp = $tmp.' minutes' }} # minutes else{ $tmp = $tmp.' hours' }} # hours else{ $tmp = $tmp.' days' } # days $dif = $tmp; $stats[9] = localtime($stats[9]); $now = localtime($now); $p .= qq~
    refresh or delete the cache file ($size)
    created  $stats[9]
    now  $now
    cache file created $dif ago
    ~; } else{ $p .= qq~create a cache file~ } $p .= qq~

    CPAN Search:
    The Perl 5 Module List

    visit the homepage

    ~; } sub alpha { # display alphabet index $p .= qq~

    ~; findmodules(); # returns %found my %abc = (); for(keys %found){ my $ltr = ''; m|^(.)|; $ltr = lc($1) if $1; $abc{$ltr}++; # only show letters that exist } $p .= qq~^   ~; for(sort {$a cmp $b} keys %abc){ $p .= qq~$_ ~ } $p .= qq~
    ~; } sub selfurls { # show paths my $rurl = url(-relative=>'1'); my $url3 = url(-absolute=>1); my $url4 = url(-path_info=>1); my $url5 = url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1); $p .= '

    '; $p .= table({-border=>"1",-cellspacing=>'0',-cellpadding=>'6',-align=>'center'}, Tr([td({-colspan=>'2',},font({-size=>'+2'},b(tt('Path to this script by various methods'))))]), Tr({-align=>'left'},[th('method').th('result')]), Tr([td({-colspan=>'2'},small(b('System')))]), Tr([td(tt('$0')).td($this)]), Tr([td(tt('rel2abs($0)')).td(rel2abs($this))]), Tr([td(tt('FindBin($Bin)')).td($Bin)]), Tr([td({-colspan=>'2'},small(b('Environment Variables')))]), Tr([td("\$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}").td($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'})]), Tr([td("\$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}").td($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'})]), Tr([td("\$ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}").td($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'})]), Tr([td("\$ENV{'PWD'}").td($ENV{'PWD'})]), Tr([td({-colspan=>'2'},small(b('CGI Module')))]), Tr([td(tt('url()')).td($url)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-relative=>1)')).td($rurl)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-absolute=>1)')).td($url3)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-path_info=>1)')).td($url4)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1)')).td($url5)])); } sub cache { # create or delete cache file if($i{make}){ %found = (); my $total = findmodules(); # repopulate %found $total = 1 if -e $cache; open FILE, "> $cache" or die "Could not create cache file $cache: $!"; print FILE Data::Dumper->new([\%found],['$found'])->Indent(0)->Quotekeys(0)->Dump; close FILE; $_ = 'Created'; $_ = 'Refreshed' if $total == 1; $p .= qq~$_ cache file $cache~; } if($i{dele}){ unlink $cache; $p .= qq~Could not delete cache file $cache: $!~ if $!; $p .= qq~Deleted cache file $cache~ if !$! } $p .= qq~

    ok~ } __END__ =head1 NAME MODULATOR =head1 DESCRIPTION Browse pod and code of installed perl modules. =head1 FUNCTIONS Lists each installed perl module linked to an HTML rendering of its pod if any. The degree sign links to the source code of each module. The asterisk links to line numbered source code of each module. Option to automatically put synopsis code into a form for easy testing via eval. Lists environment variables and result of various path and url finding methods. Can create a cache file to improve performance. =head1 COPYRIGHT? This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR http://perlmonks.org/index.pl?node=epoptai =cut