Take a SQL query as a paramater and produce an Excel spreadsheet containing the results. Uses HTML::Embperl and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
[- $escmode=0; use DBI; use URI::Escape; $dbh = DBI->connect(your connect string here); $dbh->{LongTruncOk} = 1; $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 2**16-2; #------------- $fdat{sql} may contain multiple statments, split -# $sql = uri_unescape($fdat{sql}); $heading = $sql; $heading =~ s/^\s|"//g; $heading =~ s/\n|\r/ /g; $heading = substr($heading,0,27) . "..."; $sql =~ s/;[\s]*$//; @sql = split (";", $sql); foreach $sql (@sql) { chomp; $sql =~ s/"//g; %fields = {}; $fields{sql} = $sql; if ($sql =~ /^[\s]*select/i) { # it will return rows eval { $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{$sql}) }; if ($@) { $fields{error} = $@; } else { if ($dbh->errstr) { $fields{error} = $dbh->errstr; } else { eval { $sth->execute; }; if ($@) { $fields{error} = $@; } else { eval { $fields{tableref} = $sth->fetchall_arrayref + }; if ($@) { $fields{error} = $@; } eval { $fields{field_count} = $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS +} }; if ($@) { $fields{error} = $@; } eval { $fields{field_names_ref} = $sth->{NAME} }; + if ($@) { $fields{error} = $@; } } } if ($sth) {$sth->finish} } } push (@output, {%fields} ); } #------------------ Now add results to the spreadsheet ---------# use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("/tmp/$$.xls"); my $worksheet = $workbook->addworksheet($heading); my $format = $workbook->addformat(); $format->set_text_wrap(); foreach $record (@output) { $i=0; while ($i < $record->{field_count}) { if ( length(${$record->{field_names_ref}}[$i]) > $maxwidths{$i +} ) { $maxwidths{$i} = length(${$record->{field_names_ref}}[$i]) + + 1; } $i++; } $i=0; while ( $i <= $#{$record->{tableref}} ) { $j=0; while ($j < $record->{field_count}) { if ( ${$record->{tableref}[$i]}[$j] =~ /\n/ ) { @lines = split ("\n", ${$record->{tableref}[$i]}[$j]); foreach $line (@lines) { if ( length($line) > $maxwidths{$j} ) { $maxwidths{$j} = length($line); } } } else { if ( length(${$record->{tableref}[$i]}[$j]) > $maxwidt +hs{$j} ) { $maxwidths{$j} = length(${$record->{tableref}[$i]} +[$j]); } } $j++; } $i++; } } while ( ($col, $width) = each (%maxwidths) ) { $worksheet->set_column($col, $col, $width); } foreach $record (@output) { $i=0; while ($i < $record->{field_count}) { $worksheet->write(0, $i, lc(${$record->{field_names_ref}}[$i]) +, $format); $i++; } $i=0; while ( $i <= $#{$record->{tableref}} ) { $j=0; while ($j < $record->{field_count}) { ${$record->{tableref}[$i]}[$j] =~ s/\r//g; $worksheet->write($i+1, $j, ${$record->{tableref}[$i]}[$j] +, $format ); $j++; } $i++; } } $workbook->close; $scalar = `cat /tmp/$$.xls`; unlink "/tmp/$$.xls"; $dbh->disconnect; $http_headers_out{'Content-type'} = "application/"; -] [+ $scalar +]

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: SQL query to Excel worksheet in Embperl
by kschwab (Vicar) on Jun 16, 2002 at 16:03 UTC
    ++Stegalex...very cool, and immediatly useful.