use strict; use XML::Parser; use LWP::Simple; my @curr; my @stories; # global hash my %story; my $xml = get(""); die "Failed to obtain xml " unless defined($xml); my $p = XML::Parser->new(Style => 'Stream'); $p->parse($xml); # print out the results foreach my $hashref (@stories) { print "$hashref->{title}\n"; } # StartTag - called when the start of an XML tag is found sub StartTag { my($p, $tag) = @_; push @curr, $tag; } # EndTag - called when the end of a XML tag is seen sub EndTag { my($p, $tag) = @_; # pushes the hash ref onto the array if ($tag eq 'story') { push @stories, \%story; } pop @curr; } # Text - called when text data is encountered sub Text { unless ($curr[-1] eq 'story') { $story{$curr[-1]} = $_; } } #### Debian And WineX Hemos ...