moxliukas's user image
User since: May 27, 2002 at 15:25 UTC (22 years ago)
Last here: Jun 02, 2006 at 07:29 UTC (18 years ago)
Experience: 3408
Level:Curate (13)
Writeups: 126
Mėgstamiausia funkcija:map { }
User's localtime: Apr 18, 2024 at 13:21 EEST
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I am JAPH from Lithuania born in 1982. I haven't actually done anything useful and haven't programmed anything significant...

Lithuanian PerlMonks

A list of Lithuanian PerlMonks (if you know more, /msg me):

So, there are 14 Lithuanians and, considering that there are only 3.5 million of us at all, that's not so bad.

If any Lithuanian is staring at this and wondering where to find more resources about Perl in Lithuanian, they can try this site or just go to #perl channel on

Bits and pieces

This node explains the meaning of the word moxliukas if you are really interested ;)

I have come second in the 200,000 nodes competition. Bugger. ;)

Slashdot headlines

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