in reply to Re: Re: Front Page with Negative Rep..
in thread Front Page with Negative Rep..

Here is a possible implementation of the <tension> parameter.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $plus = shift; my $minus = shift; my $sum = $plus + $minus; my $rep = $plus - $minus; my $mean = $rep / $sum; #ALERT: semi-empirical formulae ahead my $tension = (1 - $mean ** 2) * $sum * 2 / (2 - 1 / (1 + abs $rep)); $tension = log (1 + $tension) - 2; my $literal; for ($tension) { $_ <= 0 and $literal = 'no', last; $_ <= 1 and $literal = 'low', last; $_ <= 2 and $literal = 'medium', last; $literal = 'high'; } printf <<"EOF", $plus, $minus, $rep, $tension, $literal; Plus = %3d Minus = %3d Reputation = %3d Tension = %.3f There is %s tension on this post. EOF

