in reply to Re: Re: Date difference?
in thread Date difference?

This is explained in  perldoc Date::Calc
* "($Dd,$Dh,$Dm,$Ds) = Delta_DHMS($year1,$month1,$day1, $hour1,$min1,$sec1, $year2,$month2,$day2, $hour2,$min2,$sec2);" This function returns the difference in days, hours, minutes and seconds between the two given dates with times. All four return values will be positive if the two dates are in chronological order, i.e., if date #1 comes chronologically BEFORE date #2, and negative (in all four return values!) if the order of t +he two dates is reversed. This is so that the two functions ""Delta_DHMS()"" and ""Add_Delta_DHMS()"" (description see further below) are complementary, i.e., mutually inverse: Add_Delta_DHMS(@date1,@time1, Delta_DHMS(@date1,@time1, @date2,@ti +me2)) yields ""(@date2,@time2)"" again, whereas Add_Delta_DHMS(@date2,@time2, map(-$_, Delta_DHMS(@date1,@time1, @date2,@time2))) yields ""(@date1,@time1)"", and Delta_DHMS(@date1,@time1, Add_Delta_DHMS(@date1,@time1, @delta)) yields ""@delta"" again. The result is zero (in all four return values) if the two dates and times are identical.
