jerrygarciuh has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

This snippet creates my array.
if ( !grep { /$term/ } @file ) { $term="$news_directory$term"; push (@delete_me,$term);

This snippet:
    unlink @delete_me or die "Couldn't unlink @delete_me: $!";
works fine on *nix but on this IIs box I get all my terms in the file not found report. So I tried unlinking just @delete_me[0] and carping with @delete_me[0]'s value and lo and behold all the values came back same as when I was printing @delete_me. So I assume this means they are all in that first element. Can anyone enlighten me as to my error?
If it gets a little bit out of hand sometimes, don't let it fool you into thinkin' you don't care.TvZ