in reply to cgi email Japanese contents scripting problem

Yes, as said above sending email in Japanese usually means sending the the text (7-bit) jis-encoded.

(1) Before you can do this you need to find out it which encoding your programm receives the data.This could be jis, shift-jis, euc-jp or Unicode. You can find out the encoding with the Jcode module from CPAN:
use Jcode; my $encoding = getcode($content);

(2) After you have found out the encoding you want to convert your string to 7 bit jis.
my $mailtext = Jcode::convert($content, "jis", $encoding);

Appart from that, the Jcode module also supplies some basic MIME handling functions.
Hope that helps,


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: cgi email Japanese contents scripting problem
by stonemen (Initiate) on Jan 02, 2002 at 07:32 UTC

    Thanks for all the help.

    Hanamaki san,

    In my script, is the format for your coding:

    PRINT MAIL "my $mailtext = Jcode::convert($content, "jis", $encoding)";

