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Framing merlyn

by stefp (Vicar)
on Dec 27, 2001 at 09:16 UTC ( [id://134557]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

no vice-pre$ident here :)
This program generates a framed version of merlyn webtechniques and incidentally demonstrates that non trivial javascript is not portable. This works only on a recent Mozilla or Galeon.

Framed Web-pages often suck. Well used, they can bring added navigability or readability like in the Annotated XML Specification by Tim Bray.

Here, I process merlyn webtechniques columns to use frames, JS and DOM to make easier reading.

The original format: in the same page, there is the explanation of a program and the program itself. In the explanation part, the program is referenced by line numbers. it is tedious for the eyes to jump from the explanation to the explaned program chunk.

The framed format: program and explanation are separated in two frames. Clicking on a link (a line reference) in the explanation scrolls the program frame to make visible the line(s). Mo?using over a link hilights the said line(s) in red.

The program deals correctly with embedded code span references, say 30 through 100" and "lines 30 through 33".

If there is black lines within a span of red lines, that means that the black lines are indded covered by a more specific explanation

I hoped to use the documented fact that the anchor name share the id space... does not work. I happily transgressed the rule that nested links are illegal.

A later version of the program should allow to mouse over the program and hilight the explanations.

For a limited amount of time you can access the framed webtechniques at

use strict; # use warnings; # use diagnostics; use HTML::Parser; use CGI_Lite; my ($prog, $inpre, $inprog, $intitle, $inxplain, $xplain, $title); my $p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3, start_h => [\&start, "tagname, attr"], end_h => [\&end, "tagname"], text_h => [ \&text, "dtext" ], marked_sections => 1, ); my $dir = '/web/'; # I shoved t +hem here my $idx; # content of the index for my $nr ( '01' .. '67' ) { my %ln; # memorize spans $xplain = $prog = $title = ''; my ($fsfnm, $progfnm, $xplainfnm ) = map { "$dir/col$nr$_.html" } qw +( fs prog xplain ); my $fnm = "$dir/col$nr.html"; die "can't find file $fnm" unless $p->parse_file("$fnm"); my $js = <<EOF; <script language="javascript"> var previd = 0; function hilite(id ) { if ( previd != 0 ) { top.frames[1].document.getElementById(previd).style.color = 'black' + ; } previd = id; top.frames[1].document.getElementById(id).style.color = 'red' ; + } </script> EOF my $head = "<html><head><title>$title</title></head><body>"; my $fshead = "<html><head><title>$title</title></head>"; my $tail = "</body></html>\n"; my $fstail ="</html>\n"; my $fs =qq| <frameset rows="50%,*"> <frame src="file://$dir/col${nr}xplain.html" name="merlynxplain" id= +"merlynxplain"> <frame src="file://$dir/col${nr}prog.html" name="merlynprog" id="mer +lynprog"> <noframes> you are not framed! </noframes> </frameset> |; # gathering line references coping with their style inconstency $xplain =~ s((lines?\s+(\d+)(\s*(through|thru|to|-|and)\s*(?:line\s+ +)?(\d+))?)) ( $ln{"$2_$5"}++; genhilite($1, "$2_$5", $nr) )eig; $xplain =~ s(<h2>.*?Listings.*?</h2>)()s; # supress listing left-ove +r for (keys %ln ) { # the massage is the message my ($from, $to ) = $_; # print STDERR "$from -> $to\n"; ($from, $to) = m/(\d+)_(\d*)/; if ($to) { $prog =~ s((?-s)(=$from=.*(?s).*?=$to=(?-s).*)) (<span><a></a> +$1</span>); # the first (?-s) should not be necessary } else { $prog =~ s((=$from=.*)) (<span><a></a>$1</spa +n>); } } open O, ">$fsfnm" or die $@; print O $fshead, $fs, $fstail; open O, ">$xplainfnm" or die $@; print O $head, $js, $xplain, $tail; open O, ">$progfnm" or die $@; print O $head, "<pre>\n", $prog, "</pre>", $tail; $idx .= qq|<li><a>$title</a></li>|; } $idx = "<html><title>Framing Merlyn</title><body><ul>$idx</ul></body>< +/html>"; open O, ">$dir/index.html"; print O $idx; sub genhilite($$$) { my ( $str, $span, $nr) = @_; qq(<a>$str</a>) ; } sub attr2str { my ( $attr ) = @_; my $str; $str .=" $_='$attr->{$_}'" for sort keys %$attr ; $str; } sub start { my ( $tagnm, $attr) = @_; $inpre = 1 if $tagnm eq 'pre'; $intitle = 1 if $tagnm eq 'title'; $xplain .= "<$tagnm" . attr2str($attr) .">" if $inxplain; $inxplain = 1 if $tagnm eq 'body'; } sub end { my ( $tagnm) = @_; $inprog = $inpre = 0 if $tagnm eq 'pre'; $intitle = 0 if $tagnm eq 'title'; $inxplain = 0 if $tagnm eq 'body'; $xplain .= "<!- tagnm>" if $inxplain; } sub text { my ( $dtxt ) = @_; $inprog = $inpre && $dtxt =~ m/=\d+=/; $dtxt = browser_escape( $dtxt) if $inpre; if ( $inprog) { $prog .= $dtxt; } elsif ( $intitle) { $title .= $dtxt; } else { $xplain .= $dtxt if $inxplain; } }

-- stefp

Edit Petruchio Sat Dec 29 03:12:20 UTC 2001 - Added READMORE tag.

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Re: framing merlyn
by dmmiller2k (Chaplain) on Dec 29, 2001 at 00:05 UTC

    Great idea! Although I've gotten used to what you refer to as the 'original' format, it is an improvement. It does make printing the article twice as hard, though ;D

    BTW, your code works in Opera 6.0, too.


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      In fact it is sort of working for many browsers. I think that on the linux platform recents mozilla. I found an interesting link about testing browsers.

      BTW: his was only a proof of concept. I am working on a cleaner version. The problem is not perl but JS, DOM and, possibly, CSS. I think that perl is the best language to generate programsm like here JS code. But it is very difficult to find reliable information of what one can do one the real word (versus the specs). Code repository are many but they always propose the same things.

      -- stefp

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