Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info Rhose
Description: Not having used the grid geometry manager in Tk, and not having included pod documentation (redundant), I threw together this version of the Tiger Elctronic's Lights Out game to play with both concepts. I would appreciate any comments on the code (suggestions for improvement would be great). I am also interested in comments on this dumb habbit I picked up -- creating all my GUI objects in a hash array.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
+                           --#
#-- Script:                                          
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Plays the game Lights Out                             
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Author:     Robert(Bob) Smith                                     
+                           --#
#-- Date:       November 28, 2001                                     
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Wish List:  Enable users to create their own puzzles              
+                           --#
#--             Since the order in which buttons are pressed does not 
+matter, could randomize    --#
#--               the solution so the method is not as obvious.       
+                           --#
#--             Spacing of objects is not quite right under Linux. (Fo
+nt issue?)                 --#
+                           --#
#-- Rev Hist:   2001-11-28 00.00.a rws  Initial version               
+                           --#
#--             2001-11-29 00.00.b rws  Cleaned up the code a bit     
+                           --#
+                           --#

#-- Use modules                                                       
+                           --#
use Tk;

#-- Define constants                                                  
+                           --#
use constant VERSION                   => '00.00.b';
use constant AUTHOR                    => 'Robert(Bob) Smith';

use constant TRUE                      => 1;
use constant FALSE                     => 0;

use constant COLOR                     =>
    'button'                           => 'black',
    'flash'                            => 'red',
    'label'                            => 'black',
    'off'                              => 'grey55',
    'on'                               => 'blue',
    'status'                           => 'red',

use constant ERR                       =>
    'ok'                               => 0,

use constant FONT                      =>
    'normal'                           => 'Arial 10 normal',

use constant MAINWINDOW                =>
    'height'                           => 210,
    'title'                            => 'Lights Out',
    'width'                            => 270,

#-- Define variables                                                  
+                           --#
my $gMainWindow;                       #  Main GUI window
my $gStatusMsg;                        #  Message to display on the st
+atus bar
my $gTotalLightsOn;                    #  Total number of lights curre
+ntly on
my $gTotalMoves;                       #  Total number of moves so far

my @gGrid;                             #  Two dimensional grid array
my @gSolution;                         #  Solution array (format=row:c

my %gGUIItem;                          #  GUI items

#-- Sub:        ButtonName                                            
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Returns the name of the button associated with the lig
+ht located at the          --#
#--             specified row and column                              
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pRow - Light row                                      
+                           --#
#--             pCol - Light column                                   
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub ButtonName

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pRow=shift;
  my $pCol=shift;

  #-- Return the button name
  return sprintf('cmdGrid_%02d_%02d',$pRow,$pCol);


#-- Sub:        CreateButtons                                         
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Creates the buttons                                   
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: None                                                  
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub CreateButtons

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lRow;
  my $lCol;

  #-- Create the buttons
  foreach $lRow (0..4)
    foreach $lCol (0..4)
      $gGUIItem{ButtonName($lRow,$lCol)} = $gMainWindow->Button
          -activebackground => COLOR->{off},
          -anchor           => 'center',
          -background       => COLOR->{off},
          -borderwidth      => 2,
          -command          => sub {
          -font             => FONT->{normal},
          -foreground       => COLOR->{off},
          -relief           => 'groove',
          -state            => 'normal',
          -text             => '',
          -width            => 5,
        )->grid( -row => ($lRow + 1), -col => $lCol);


#-- Sub:        CreateMainWin                                         
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Creates the main Tk window                            
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: None                                                  
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub CreateMainWin

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lWinX;
  my $lWinY;

  #-- Create the window
  $gMainWindow = MainWindow->new;
  $lWinX = int(($gMainWindow->screenwidth - MAINWINDOW->{width})/2);
  $lWinY = int(($gMainWindow->screenheight - MAINWINDOW->{height})/2);
      MAINWINDOW->{width} . 'x' . MAINWINDOW->{height} .
      '+' . $lWinX . '+' . $lWinY


#-- Sub:        CreateMenu                                            
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Creates the menu                                      
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: None                                                  
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub CreateMenu

  #-- Define local constants
  use constant ABOUT_TEXT => 'Perl/Tk version of Tiger Electronics cla
+ssic Lights Out.';

  #-- Add the Game menu
  $gGUIItem{mnuFile} = $gMainWindow->Menubutton
      -anchor      => 'w',
      -direction   => 'below',
      -font        => FONT->{normal},
      -foreground  => COLOR->{button},
      -indicatoron => FALSE,
      -menuitems   => [
                          'command'    => 'New',
                          -command     => sub {
                          -font        => FONT->{normal},
                          'command'    => 'Reset Puzzle',
                          -command     => sub {
                          -font        => FONT->{normal},
                          'command'    => 'Count Steps',
                          -command     => sub {
                                                $gStatusMsg = 'The ini
+tial puzzle can be solved in ' .
+tion + 1) . ' moves.';
                          -font        => FONT->{normal},
                          'command'    => 'Solve',
                          -command     => sub {
                          -font        => FONT->{normal},
                          'command'    => 'Exit',
                          -command     => sub {
                          -font        => FONT->{normal},
      -tearoff     => FALSE,
      -text        => 'Game',
      -width       => 5,
    )->grid( -row => 0, -col => 0);

  #-- Add the help menu
  $gGUIItem{mnuHelp} = $gMainWindow->Menubutton
      -anchor      => 'w',
      -direction   => 'below',
      -font        => FONT->{normal},
      -foreground  => COLOR->{button},
      -indicatoron => FALSE,
      -menuitems   => [
                          'command'    => 'About',
                          -command     => sub {
                                                    -icon     => 'info
                                                    -message  => "Vers
+ion:\t" . VERSION . "\n" .
+or:\t"  . AUTHOR  . "\n\n" .
                                                    -title    => 'Abou
+t ' . MAINWINDOW->{title},
                                                    -type     => 'Ok',
                          -font        => FONT->{normal},
      -tearoff     => FALSE,
      -text        => 'Help',
      -width       => 5,
    )->grid( -row => 0, -col => 4);


#-- Sub:        CreateStatusBar                                       
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Creates the status bar                                
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: None                                                  
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub CreateStatusBar

  #-- Add the status bar
  $gGUIItem{barStatus} = $gMainWindow->Label
      -anchor       => 'w',
      -font         => FONT->{normal},
      -foreground   => COLOR->{status},
      -relief       => 'flat',
      -textvariable => \$gStatusMsg,
      -width        => 36,
    )->grid( -row => 6, -col => 0, -columnspan => 5);


#-- Sub:        DisplayGrid                                           
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Displays the current grid                             
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pGrid - Grid to display                               
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub DisplayGrid

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pGrid=shift;

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lCol;
  my $lRow;

  #-- Display the grid
  foreach $lRow (0..4)
    foreach $lCol (0..4)

  #-- Reset global variables


#-- Sub:        GenerateRandomGrid                                    
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Generates a random grid                               
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pGrid     - Grid to create                            
+                           --#
#--             pSolution - Solution array                            
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub GenerateRandomGrid

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pGrid=shift;
  my $pSolution=shift;

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lCol;
  my $lRow;

  #-- Clear grid
  #-- May take this line out as all elements are overwritten

  #-- Generate a random solvable grid
  while (TRUE)

    #-- Generate a grid
    foreach $lRow (0..4)
      foreach $lCol (0..4)
        $$pGrid[$lRow][$lCol]=(int(rand(6)) < 3 ? TRUE : FALSE);

    #-- Check for solution
    SolveGrid(\@$pGrid, \@$pSolution);
    last if ($#$pSolution > -1);


#-- Sub:        HowManyLightOn                                        
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Counts how many lights are still on                   
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: None                                                  
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub HowManyLightsOn

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lCol;
  my $lLightsOn=0;
  my $lRow;

  #-- Create the buttons
  foreach $lRow (0..4)
    foreach $lCol (0..4)
      $lLightsOn++ if IsLightOn($lRow,$lCol);

  #-- Return the number of lights on
  return $lLightsOn;


#-- Sub:        IsLightOn                                             
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Returns TRUE if the specified light is on, FALSE if it
+ is off                    --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pRow   - Light row                                    
+                           --#
#--             pCol   - Light column                                 
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub IsLightOn

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pRow=shift;
  my $pCol=shift;

  #-- Return the button status
  return ($gGUIItem{ButtonName($pRow,$pCol)}->cget(-background) eq COL


#-- Sub:        PushButton                                            
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Handles the logic of pushing a button                 
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pRow   - Button row                                   
+                           --#
#--             pCol   - Button column                                
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub PushButton

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pRow=shift;
  my $pCol=shift;

  #-- Toggle buttons
  ToggleLight($pRow-1,$pCol) unless $pRow==0;
  ToggleLight($pRow+1,$pCol) unless $pRow==4;
  ToggleLight($pRow,$pCol-1) unless $pCol==0;
  ToggleLight($pRow,$pCol+1) unless $pCol==4;

  #-- Increment the total number of moves
  $gStatusMsg = 'Moves so far: ' . $gTotalMoves;

  #-- Check for all lights out
  $gStatusMsg = 'You win, game over!' unless $gTotalLightsOn;


#-- Sub:        SaveGrid                                              
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Saves the grid for future use                         
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pGrid - Array in which the grid is to be saved        
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub SaveGrid

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pGrid=shift;

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lCol;
  my $lRow;

  #-- Clear the old grid
  #-- May take this line out as all elements are overwritten

  #-- Save the current grid
  foreach $lRow (0..4)
    foreach $lCol (0..4)


#-- Sub:        SetLight                                              
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Sets the status of a light to either on (TRUE) or off 
+(FALSE)                    --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pRow    - Light row                                   
+                           --#
#--             pCol    - Light column                                
+                           --#
#--             pStatus - On or Off                                   
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub SetLight

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pRow=shift;
  my $pCol=shift;
  my $pStatus=shift;

  #-- Set the button
  if ($pStatus)
    $gGUIItem{ButtonName($pRow,$pCol)}->configure(-background => COLOR
    $gGUIItem{ButtonName($pRow,$pCol)}->configure(-activebackground =>
+ COLOR->{on});
    $gGUIItem{ButtonName($pRow,$pCol)}->configure(-background => COLOR
    $gGUIItem{ButtonName($pRow,$pCol)}->configure(-activebackground =>
+ COLOR->{off});


#-- Sub:        ShowSolution                                          
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Solves the puzzle on the screen                       
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pSolution - Solution array                            
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Notes:      I have used DoOneEvent() quite a bit in this subroutin
+e. This code generates     --#
#--             a lot of events -- changing colors and such which are 
+not processed unless       --#
#--             the system is told to do so.                          
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub ShowSolution

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pSolution=shift;

  #-- Define local constants
  use constant FLASH_PAUSE             => 500;

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lButtonStatus;
  my $lCol;
  my $lRow;

  #-- Reset the puzzle

  #-- Press keys to solve
  foreach (@$pSolution)

    #-- Parse the solution

    #-- Save the initial button status

    #-- Show which button we are going to use
    foreach (0..3)

      #-- Flash the button
      #-- Using modulus (remainder) operator. TRUE for 1 and 3, FALSE 
+for 0 and 2 (remainder == 0)
      if ($_ % 2)
        $gGUIItem{ButtonName($lRow,$lCol)}->configure(-background => C
+d => COLOR->{flash});

      #-- Pause


    #-- Press the button



#-- Sub:        SolveGrid                                             
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Solves the grid and populates the solution array      
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pGrid     - Grid to solve                             
+                           --#
#--             pSolution - Solution array                            
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub SolveGrid

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pGrid=shift;
  my $pSolution=shift;

  #-- Define local constants
  use constant SOLUTION                =>
      '00000'                          => '',
      '00111'                          => '3',
      '01010'                          => '0:3',
      '01101'                          => '0',
      '10001'                          => '0:1',
      '10110'                          => '4',
      '11011'                          => '2',
      '11100'                          => '1',

  #-- Define local variables
  my $lCol;
  my $lSolutionKey;
  my $lRow;

  my @lTmpGrid;

  #-- Initialize variables
  foreach $lRow (0..4)
    foreach $lCol (0..4)

  #-- Locate the solution key
  foreach $lRow (1..4)
    foreach $lCol (0..4)
      if ($lTmpGrid[$lRow-1][$lCol])
        $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol]=(1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol]);
        $lTmpGrid[$lRow-1][$lCol]=(1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow-1][$lCol]) unle
+ss $lRow==0;
        $lTmpGrid[$lRow+1][$lCol]=(1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow+1][$lCol]) unle
+ss $lRow==4;
        $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol-1]=(1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol-1]) unle
+ss $lCol==0;
        $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol+1]=(1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol+1]) unle
+ss $lCol==4;
  $lSolutionKey = sprintf(

  #-- Populate the solution array
  if (defined(SOLUTION->{$lSolutionKey}))

    #-- Reset the working array
    foreach $lRow (0..4)
      foreach $lCol (0..4)

    #-- Save the key presses to solve
    foreach (split(':',SOLUTION->{$lSolutionKey}))
      push @$pSolution, '0:' . $_;

      $lTmpGrid[0][$_]     = (1 - $lTmpGrid[0][$_]);
      $lTmpGrid[1][$_]     = (1 - $lTmpGrid[1][$_]);
      $lTmpGrid[0][$_ - 1] = (1 - $lTmpGrid[0][$_ - 1]) unless $_ == 0
      $lTmpGrid[0][$_ + 1] = (1 - $lTmpGrid[0][$_ + 1]) unless $_ == 4

    foreach $lRow (1..4)
      foreach $lCol (0..4)
        if ($lTmpGrid[$lRow-1][$lCol])

          push @$pSolution, sprintf('%d:%d',$lRow,$lCol);

          $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol]   = (1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol]);
          $lTmpGrid[$lRow-1][$lCol] = (1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow-1][$lCol]) 
+unless $lRow==0;
          $lTmpGrid[$lRow+1][$lCol] = (1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow+1][$lCol]) 
+unless $lRow==4;
          $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol-1] = (1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol-1]) 
+unless $lCol==0;
          $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol+1] = (1 - $lTmpGrid[$lRow][$lCol+1]) 
+unless $lCol==4;



#-- Sub:        ToggleLight                                           
+                           --#
#-- Purpose:    Toggles the state of a light -- off->on and on->off   
+                           --#
+                           --#
#-- Parameters: pRow   - Light row                                    
+                           --#
#--             pCol   - Light column                                 
+                           --#
+                           --#
sub ToggleLight

  #-- Get parameters
  my $pRow=shift;
  my $pCol=shift;

  #-- Update the total number of lights on
  $gTotalLightsOn += (IsLightOn($pRow,$pCol) ? -1 : 1);

  #-- Toggle the button


#-- Initialize the random number generator                            
+                           --#
srand(time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)));     # Suggestion from Programming P
+erl, pg 223

#-- Initialize variables                                              
+                           --#

#-- Create the main window                                            
+                           --#

#-- Generate an initial puzzle                                        
+                           --#

#-- Tk Main loop                                                      
+                           --#

#-- Exit                                                              
+                           --#

#-- Documentation                                                     
+                           --#


=head1 NAME - Perl/Tk version of the popular Lights Out game.

=head1 CREDITS

The classic "Lights Out" game was manufactured by Tiger Electronics.


The goal of the game is to turn all the lights off. When a button is p
+ressed, its current state is
toggled (on buttons turn off, and off buttons turn on.) The buttons im
+mediately above, below, to
the left, and to the right of the pressed button are also toggled.


=over 4

=item C<Game/New>

Starts a new puzzle. Puzzles are randomly selected and verified that t
+hey can actually be solved.

=item C<Game/Reset Puzzle>

Resets the board to the puzzle's initial state.

=item C<Game/Count Steps>

Displays the number of steps it would take for the computer to solve t
+he current puzzle.

=item C<Game/Solve>

Solves the current puzzle and shows the steps as they are being taken.

=item C<Game/Exit>

Exit the program.

=item C<Help/About>

Displays the version, author, and brief description of the game.



Copyright 2001, Robert(Bob) Smith

This program may be used under the same terms as Perl itself. Code is 
+supplied "as is"
with no warranties that it even works. *Grins*


#-- End of Script                                                     
+                           --#