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Resorting to Sorting

by japhy (Canon)
on Nov 30, 2001 at 23:48 UTC ( [id://128722]=perltutorial: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
      @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @numbers;  # ascending order
      @sorted = sort { $b <=> $a } @numbers;  # descending order
  2. or download this
      @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @unsorted;
  3. or download this
      @sorted = sort @unsorted;
  4. or download this
      @sorted = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @unsorted;
      # or
      @sorted = sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } @unsorted;
  5. or download this
      sub age_or_name {
        my ($name_a, $age_a) = split /_/ => $a;
      @sorted = sort age_or_name @people;
      # @sorted is now
      #   qw( Jon_14 Tim_14 Ray_18 Greg_19 Jeff_19 Joan_20 )
  6. or download this
      @sorted = sort { ... } @strings;
  7. or download this
      @nodes = (
        { id => 17, size => 300, keys => 2, cmp => 'keys' },
        { id => 31, size => 2045, keys => 43, cmp => 'keys' },
        { id => 28, size => 6, keys => 0, cmp => 'id' },
  8. or download this
        my %cache;  # cache hash is only seen by this function
      @people = qw( Jeff_19 Jon_14 Ray_18 Tim_14 Joan_20 Greg_19 );
      @sorted = sort age_or_name @people;
  9. or download this
        my %cache;
          # compare as needed
  10. or download this
      # sorts in-place (meaning @list gets changed)
      # set $unknown to true to indicate variable length
      radix_sort(\@list, $unknown);
  11. or download this
      sub radix_sort {
        my ($data, $k) = @_;
          @$data = map @$_, @buckets;  # expand array refs
  12. or download this
      sub radix_sort (\@;$);
      sub radix_sort (\@;$) {
        # ...
  13. or download this
      @names  = qw( Jeff Jon Ray Tim Joan Greg );
      @ages   = qw( 19   14  18  14  20   19   );
      @gender = qw( m    m   m   m   f    m    );
  14. or download this
      @names  = qw( Jon Tim Ray Greg Jeff Joan );
      @ages   = qw( 14  14  18  19   19   20   );
      @gender = qw( m   m   m   m    m    f    );
  15. or download this
      sub age_or_name {
        return (
          $names[$a] cmp $names[$b]
  16. or download this
      @idx = sort age_or_name 0 .. $#ages;
      print "@ages\n";        # 19 14 18 14 20 19
      print "@idx\n";         #  1  3  2  5  0  4
      print "@ages[@idx]\n";  # 14 14 18 19 19 20
  17. or download this
      @sorted =
        map { get_original_data($_) }
        sort { ... }
        map { transform_data($_) }
  18. or download this
  19. or download this
      @sorted =
        map { $_->[0] }
        map { [ $_, split /:/ ] }
  20. or download this
      @transformed = map { [ $_, split /:/ ] } @entries;
  21. or download this
      for (@entries) {
        push @transformed, [ $_, split /:/ ];
  22. or download this
      @transformed = sort {
        $a->[3] cmp $b->[3]
        $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]
      } @transformed;
  23. or download this
      @sorted = map { $_->[0] } @transformed;
  24. or download this
      @sorted =
        map { restore($_) }
        map { normalize($_) }
  25. or download this
      my $nulls = 0;
          $nulls = length($1) if length($1) > $nulls;
  26. or download this
      $NUL = "\0" x ++$nulls;
  27. or download this
      # "\L...\E" is like lc(...)
      @normalized = map { "\L$_\E$NUL$_" } @original;
  28. or download this
      @sorted = sort @normalized;
  29. or download this
      @sorted = map { (split /$NUL/)[1] } @original;
  30. or download this
      # implement our for loop from above
      # as a function
        map { "\L$_\E$NUL$_" }
  31. or download this
      # see Exercise 1 for this function
      $maxlen = maxlen(\@original);
  32. or download this
      @sorted =
        map { substr($_, $maxlen) }
        map { lc($_) . ("\0" x ($maxlen - length)) . $_ }
  33. or download this
      @sorted =
        $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]
  34. or download this
      #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  35. or download this
      package Sorting;
  36. or download this
      sub passwd_cmp {
        $a->[3] cmp $b->[3]
        $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]
  37. or download this
      sub case_insensitive_cmp {
        lc($a) cmp lc($b)
  38. or download this
      package main;
  39. or download this
      @strings = sort Sorting::case_insensitive_cmp
        qw( this Mine yours Those THESE nevER );
  40. or download this
      print "<@strings>\n";
  41. or download this
      <this Mine yours Those THESE nevER>
  42. or download this
      #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  43. or download this
      package Sorting;
  44. or download this
      sub passwd_cmp ($$) {
        local ($a, $b) = @_;
        $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]
  45. or download this
      sub case_insensitive_cmp ($$) {
        local ($a, $b) = @_;
        lc($a) cmp lc($b)
  46. or download this
      package main;
  47. or download this
      @strings = sort Sorting::case_insensitive_cmp
        qw( this Mine yours Those THESE nevER );
  48. or download this
      print "<@strings>\n";
  49. or download this
      <Mine nevER THESE this Those yours>

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