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Home Node Image Rotator

by jcwren (Prior)
on Nov 27, 2001 at 22:26 UTC ( [id://127857]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info Chris 'jcwren' Wren

Implements automatic updating of home node image, after so many hits on the home node. Uses a "bug" script (included) to detect hits, and this piece to automatically uploaded a new image after so many hits.

Please read the section on SECURITY and the rest of the documentation before using. Requires some responsibility on the part of the user.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

#  Version 1.00.00 - 2001/11/25 - Initial incarnation
#              Home Node Picture Rotator
#  Is your homenode boring, dull, and lifeless because you refuse to t
+ake the
#  time to update your homenode picture?  Now, with the new miracle ho
#  image rotator (HNIR), you can be one of the l337 p30pl3 with a new 
+home node
#  image every time (well, nearly...) someone accesses your homenode! 
+ !!!
#  This script has two pieces.  The first is a "bug" that lives in the
+ text of
#  your homenode that makes a request to a server for a 1x1 clear pixe
+l image.
#  Along with getting this remarkable 1x1 clear pixel image, it increm
+ents a 
#  counter file (which also tells you how many people have accessed yo
+ur home-
#  node).  The second piece is this script, whic is a daemon that runs
+ some-
#  where you have access to the aforementioned counter file.  After a 
#  number of accesses to your homenode, a new image is uploaded, from 
+a list 
#  of images you provide.
#  Of course, if you're so unc00l and non-l337 that no one accesses yo
+ur home
#  node, well, you're stuck with that same boring image.  You'll just 
+have to 
#  get new friends.
#  There is no warrantly, express or implied with this software.  It 
#  *shouldn't* mess up your homenode contents, but because it does do 
+a fetch 
#  of the page, change some fields, and re-submit the form, the possib
#  exists.  You might consider backing up the text on your homenode to
+ a
#  file somewhere.
#  A production of Twitching Monk Software
#  Copyright (c) 2001 J.C.Wren. All rights reserved.
#  This is free software.  You can redistribute it and/or modify it un
+der the 
#  same terms as Perl itself.
#  (P.S, That Linux flag has gotten stale, [tilly].  You need to use t

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI::Escape;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTML::Form;
use Getopt::Std;
use Proc::Daemon;

#  Change this to suit your taste. 
my %config = (username        => undef,       # or 'myusername'
              password        => undef,       # or 'mypassword',
              homenode        => undef,       # or 939,
              sigUpdate       => 0,
              imgListFile     => "$ENV{HOME}/.hnirotate.piclist",
              counterFile     => "/tmp/hncounter.dat",
              lastPicFile     => "$ENV{HOME}/.hnirotate.lastpic",
              updateEvery     => 50,
              checkInterval   => 10,
              baseurl         => "",
              pmsite          => "",
              oneshot         => 0,
              daemon          => 0,
              verbose         => 0,
              randomize       => 0,

sub UNSAFE_CHARS {"^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'()"}

#  Ye olde main
   my %args = ();

   getopts ('u:p:n:I:C:L:e:c:rsDvPoh?', \%args);

   if ($args {'?'} || $args {h})
      usage ();

   if ($args {P})
      local $| = 1;
      print "Password: ";
      $args {p} = <STDIN>;
      chomp ($args {p});

   $config {username}      = $args {u} || $config {username}      || d
+ie "No username.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {password}      = $args {p} || $config {password}      || d
+ie "No password.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {homenode}      = $args {n} || $config {homenode}      || d
+ie "No homenode ID.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {imgListFile}   = $args {I} || $config {imgListFile}   || d
+ie "No image list file.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {counterFile}   = $args {C} || $config {counterFile}   || d
+ie "No counter file.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {lastPicFile}   = $args {L} || $config {lastPicFile}   || d
+ie "No last pic file.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {updateEvery}   = $args {e} || $config {updateEvery}   || d
+ie "No update every counter.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {checkInverval} = $args {c} || $config {checkInterval} || d
+ie "No check interval.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {randomize}     = $args {r} || $config {randomize};
   $config {sigUpdate}     = $args {s} || $config {sigUpdate};
   $config {oneshot}       = $args {o} || $config {oneshot};
   $config {daemon}        = $args {D} || $config {daemon};
   $config {daemon}        = 0 if ($config {oneshot});
   $config {verbose}       = $args {v} || $config {verbose};
   $config {verbose}       = 0 if ($config {daemon});
   $config {baseurl}                                              || d
+ie "\$config {baseurl} not defined.  Program terminated.\n";
   $config {pmsite}                                               || d
+ie "\$config {pmsite} not defined.  Program terminated.\n";

   die "\"", $config {lastPicFile}, "\" isn't writeable.\n" unless ((!
+ -e $config {lastPicFile}) || (-w $config {lastPicFile}));

   open PICLIST, $config {imgListFile} or die "Error opening image lis
+t file \"", $config {imgListFile}, "\": $!";
   chomp (@{$config {picList}} = <PICLIST>);
   close PICLIST;

   die "Must have at least 2 images for rotation.\n" if (scalar @{$con
+fig {picList}} < 2);
   my $stop = 0;
   -s $_ or $stop = 1, warn "Image $_ doesn't exist or 0 length: $!\n"
+ foreach (@{$config {picList}});
   $stop and exit;

   die "Configuration looks good.\n" if ($args {V});

   print scalar localtime, ": ", scalar @{$config {picList}}, " images
+ for rotation\n" if ($config {verbose});

   if ($config {oneshot}) {
      uploadNewPic (randomPicture (), $config {sigUpdate})
   } else {
      foreverLoop ();

sub foreverLoop
   my $thisCount;
   my $nextCount;
   my $lastCount;
   my $thisStamp = (stat ($config {counterFile}))[9] || die "Eeek! Fil
+e \"", $config {counterFile}, "\" doesn't exist!\n";
   my $lastStamp = $thisStamp;

   #  This is *so* lame, but I couldn't see a cleaner way to do it.
   sub readfile {
      open IFILE, $config {counterFile} || die "Eeek! Can't open \"", 
+$config {counterFile}, "\": $!\n";
      chomp (my $fileVal = <IFILE>);
      close IFILE;
      return $fileVal;

   $lastCount = $thisCount = readfile ();
   $nextCount = $thisCount - ($thisCount % $config {updateEvery}) + $c
+onfig {updateEvery};
   print scalar localtime, ": counter=$thisCount, ", $nextCount - $thi
+sCount, " hits to next upload.\n" if ($config {verbose});

   #  Recommended only after testing.  Since STDOUT and STDERR are clo
+sed, any error message
   #  are going to the great bit bucket in the sky.  Of course, if we 
+were really cool, we'd
   #  write then via syslog()...  We're not that cool.
   Proc::Daemon::Init if ($config {daemon});

   while (1)
      while (($thisCount = readfile ()) == $lastCount)
         while ($thisStamp == $lastStamp)
            sleep ($config {checkInterval});
            $thisStamp = (stat ($config {counterFile}))[9] || die "Eee
+k! File \"", $config {counterFile}, "\" disappeared!\n";
         $lastStamp = $thisStamp;

      if ($thisCount >= $nextCount) 
         uploadNewPic (randomPicture (), $config {sigUpdate});
         $nextCount += $config {updateEvery};

      print scalar localtime, ": counter=$thisCount, ", $nextCount - $
+thisCount, " hits to next upload.\n" if ($config {verbose});

      $lastCount = $thisCount;

#  A little tricknology to get a decent random number.  In a test of 1
#  iterations, the distribution was very close to uniform.
sub randomPicture
   my $newimg;
   my $lastimg = "";

   if ((-s $config {lastPicFile}) && open LASTPIC, $config {lastPicFil
      chomp ($lastimg = <LASTPIC>);
      close LASTPIC;

   if ($config {randomize})
      while (1)
         my $rnd = sprintf ("%d", rand (scalar @{$config {picList}} + 

         next if ($rnd == 0 || $rnd == scalar @{$config {picList}} + 1
         last if (($newimg = $config {picList}[$rnd - 2]) ne $lastimg)
      my $i = 0; 
      grep {$i++; $newimg = $config {picList} [$i % scalar @{$config {
+picList}}] if /$lastimg/} @{$config {picList}};
      $lastimg = $config {picList}[0] if (!defined $newimg);

   open NEWPIC, ">" . $config {lastPicFile} or die "Eeek!  Can't write
+ to \"", $config {lastPicFile}, "\": $!";
   print NEWPIC $newimg, "\n";
   close NEWPIC;

   return $newimg;   

sub uploadNewPic
   @_ >= 2 || die "At least 1 argument required";

   my ($picture, $significantUpdate) = @_;
   my $err;
   my $useragent = new LWP::UserAgent;

   print scalar localtime, ": starting upload\n" if ($config {verbose}

   die "Eeek!  Image \"$picture\" doesn't exist\n" unless -s $picture;

   $useragent->agent ("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4
   $useragent->cookie_jar (HTTP::Cookies->new (ignore_discard => 1));

   my $res = doPerlmonksLogin ($useragent, $config {username}, $config
+ {password}, $config {homenode});

   print scalar localtime, ": login completed\n" if ($config {verbose}

   my @forms = HTML::Form->parse ($res->content (), $config {baseurl})

   foreach my $form (@forms)
      if ($form->find_input ("imgsrc_file"))
         $form->value ("imgsrc_file", [$picture]);
         $form->value ("significantupdate", "on") if ($significantUpda
         $res = $useragent->request ($form->click ('sexisgood'));
         $res->is_error && die "Can't post changes";
         print scalar localtime, ": uploaded $picture\n" if ($config {

   die "Eeek!  Can't find the imgsrc_file field in any of the forms!";

sub doPerlmonksLogin 
   @_ >= 4 || die "At least 4 arguments required";

   my ($useragent, $username, $password, $homenode) = @_;
   my %pairs = ();

   my $req = new HTTP::Request ('POST' => $config {pmsite}, HTTP::Head
+ers->new ('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));

   @pairs {qw(user passwd op ticker displaytype node_id)} = ($username
+, $password, 'login', 'yes', 'edit', $homenode);

   $req->content (join '&', map {$_ . "=" . uri_escape ($pairs {$_}, U
+NSAFE_CHARS)} keys %pairs);

   my $res = $useragent->request ($req);

   if ($res->is_success)
      $useragent->cookie_jar->extract_cookies ($res);

      return $res if ($useragent->cookie_jar->as_string () =~ m/userpa

      die "Eeek!  Log in failed.  Bad username or password?\n";

   die "Eeek! Request to ", $config {pmsite}, " failed!\n";

sub usage
   print <<ENDOFHELP;

usage: [-h | -?] [-u username] [-p password] [-P] [-n hom
                    [-I imageListFile] [-C counterFile] [-L lastPictur
                    [-e updateEvery] [-c checkInterval] [-r] [-s] [-o]
+ [-D] 
                    [-v] [-V]

Rotate images into homenode

   -h             this help list
   -?             this help list
   -u username    user name on
   -p password    password for username
   -n homenode    numeric ID of homenode for username
   -I filename    file containing list of images for rotation, 1 per l
   -C filename    counter filename used in "bug" script
   -L filename    file to store name of last picture uploaded
   -e every       upload new image after this many hits on homenode
   -c interval    how often in seconds to check the counter file for c
   -r             randomize images from names in -I option
   -s             set 'Significant Update' on homenode when new image 
   -o             one shot upload of random picture
   -D             run as daemon, detach from console
   -v             verbose, be chatty about what program is doing
   -V             validate filenames and arguments, then exit

   Specifying -o (oneshot) overrides -D (daemon) option.
   Specifying -D (daemon) overrides -v (verbose) option.



=head1 NAME

hnirotate - Home Node Image Rotator


usage: [B<-h> | B<-?>] [B<-u> username] [B<-p> password] 
[B<-n> homenode] [B<-I> imageListFile] [B<-C> counterFile] 
[B<-L> lastPictureFile] [B<-e> updateEvery] [B<-c> checkInterval] [B<-
[B<-s>] [B<-o>] [B<-D>] [B<-v>] [B<-V>]

Rotate images into homenode

   -h             this help list
   -?             this help list
   -u username    user name on
   -p password    password for username
   -P             prompt for password interactively
   -n homenode    numeric ID of homenode for username
   -I filename    file containing list of images for rotation, 1 per l
   -C filename    counter filename used in "bug" script
   -L filename    file to store name of last picture uploaded
   -e every       upload new image after this many hits on homenode
   -c interval    how often in seconds to check the counter file for c
   -r             randomize images from names in -I option
   -s             set 'Significant Update' on homenode when new image 
   -o             one shot upload of random picture
   -D             run as daemon, detach from console
   -v             verbose, be chatty about what program is doing
   -V             validate filenames and arguments, then exit

   Specifying -o (oneshot) overrides -D (daemon) option.
   Specifying -D (daemon) overrides -v (verbose) option.


hnirotate takes care of the majority of the task of keeping a fresh 
picture on your homenode.  Since stale pictures are the root of most 
homenode dullness, it's important that you change it periodically to k
your public coming back to you.  Rather than having to actually think 
about doing this every so often, this script does that automatically, 
after a certain number of hits on your homenode.

All you have to do is periodically add/delete/edit a few lines in a 
configuration file that point to images suitable for homenode publicat
(remember, Lord vroom doesn't want your pr0n collection in your homeno
and after so many accesses, *poof*, a new picture from your list of im
gets uploaded.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h> or B<-?> help

Prints out a brief help message.

=item B<-u> username

The username of the account that the image is to be uplo

=item B<-p> password

The password for the username.  Be sure to READ THE SECURITY SECTION, 
There is important information about keeping your password private.

=item B<-P>

Enter password interactively.  The password is prompted for as soon as
+ the
script starts.  While impractical if the script is started from a cron
it is the most secure method.  See B<SECURITY>.

=item B<-n> homenode

This is the numeric ID of the homenode of the user that the image is t
+o be 
uploaded to.  While unlikely, it's possible that a node might have bee
created with the same name as a user, and the script wouldn't be able 
+to make 
the determination as to which is correct.  To avoid this risk, the hom
+e node 
ID is provided, so no abiguity is possible.

=item B<-I> filename 

This option specifies a file that contains a list of images to be uplo
to the home node.  The file should contain the complete path to each f
1 per line.  Currently, the monastery only supports .JPG and .GIF file
While the script checks that the specified files exist, it does not ch
the format of the files.  The default filename is $ENV{HOME}/.hnirotat
A sample B<-I> file might look like:

=over 4




=item B<-C> filename 

This option specifies the name of the file that the "bug" script (see
B<BUG SCRIPT>, below) uses for it's counter file.  This is the mechani
that is used to communicate home node hits to this script.  Because th
"bug" script typically runs as user ''nobody'', it is necessary to put
+ it
in a place that ''nobody'' has write access to.  The /tmp directory is
+ as
good as a location as anywhere to use.  The default filename is 

=item B<-L> filename 

This option specifies the filename to use for storing the last image
uploaded.  This is used to prevent the same image from being uploaded
twice in a row, even if the script is cancelled and restarted.  It mus
be a directory that the UID of the script has write permission to.  Th
default filename is $ENV{HOME}/.hnirotate.lastpic.

=item B<-e> every

Number of hits before between uploads.  This is the number of hits the
homenode must receive before uploading a new image.  B<USE THIS WITH
CARE>.  If you have a busy homenode, this should be a high value.  If
you're not part of the Perl Illuminati and have a homenode that's the
equivalent of a trailer in the backwoods of West Virginia, you can set
this lower.  Remember that every image upload uses a little bit of
irreplacable bandwidth, that someone is paying for.  If you use it too
much, our Fearless Leader may become angered and impose a limit on how
many times in some given interval that a new home node picture can be
uploaded.  So use some common sense with this, OK?  Default is 50 hits

=item B<-c> interval

Number of seconds between pollings of the B<-C> counter file.  This
controls the response time between the homenode hit, and this script
noticing the hit.  There's not much point in setting this to a really
low value.  If your homenode updates in 1 second or 100 seconds, no
one is really going to notice.  10 seconds is a reasonable trade off, 
since the check for the counter file being updated uses a microscopic
amount of resouces.  The default is 10 seconds.

=item B<-r>

Randomize the image list from the B<-I> file.  Without this option, th
images will be sequentially stepped through.  With this, a reasonably
random image will be selected.  The B<-L> filename is in part responsi
for making sure the same image isn't uploaded twice in a row.

=item B<-s>

Set the 'Significant Update' flag on the home node when updating the i
Some people like to indicate that a new image is a major event in thei
lives, and for those people with that condition, this meets their need

=item B<-o>

One shot mode.  Upload a new random picture immediately, and exit.  Us
for a manual freshening of the home node picture.  This option overrid
the B<-D> (daemon) option.

=item B<-D>

Run script as a daemon.  Uses B<Proc::Daemon>, and detaches itself fro
+m the
controlling terminal.  This is a useful flag if you put scripts like t
+his in
your system startup files.  It is a B<bad> flag to use if you use init
to spawn jobs, since inittab will think the script finished after it d
Note that if the B<-v> (verbose) flag was specified, it will be overri
since detaching from the controlling terminal closes B<STDOUT> and B<S
This option is override if the B<-o> flag is specified.

=item B<-v>

Be verbose.  Useful for debugging, or just watching how often someone 
your homenode.  Prints out how many image files are available for rota
at startup, along with the time each time the homenode is hit, how man
+y hits
until the next image upload, and the image upload progress (starting, 
complete, upload complete).  Also good for control freaks.

=item B<-V>

Verify configuration.  Useful for first time setup.  Checks that all n
arguments are present, that the B<-I> filename exists, and that the im
specified in the file all exist (and are greater than 0 bytes in size)
+.  If it
passes this option, odds are the script can be run as a daemon (see B<


Remember that if you provide usernames and passwords on the command li
someone else can see those with ''ps'' on most systems.  Since your account should be more sacred than your mothers maiden n
your Visa card number, and the phone number for that really hot chick 
Amsterdam (OK, maybe not as important as that last one), you don't wan
+t it 
where it can be seen.  There are two ways you can protect your passwor
You can either edit the script and set it as a default, then make sure
you make the script owner readable only (chmod 700), or you can use th
B<-P> option, and require the script to interactively prompt you for y
password each time it's run.  

Obviously, on a single user system, this isn't much concern.  However,
+ if
you're running from an account on, where there are over 1
users at last count, your want to be careful about compromising inform


This is the script that you'll want to install on your Apache server 
somewhere.  It does nothing more than satisfy a request for an image, 
the form of a 1x1 clear pixel.  As it does that, it increments a count
in the file, which is specified at the top.  This needs to be the same
as the B<-C> filename for this script.

I deliberately did not pass the homenode ID on the command line, since
that would have added additional requirements for taint checking, and
allowed someone to change the home node ID before submitting.  Instead
if there are multiple users with this on the same server, they need to
either name them uniquely, and set their homenode ID as part of the co
filename at the top, or use private cgi-bin directories for each user.
That kind of detail will be left to the user.

The following line is what should be added to the "User's Bio" section
of your homenode.  I usually put it near the bottom, or anywhere else
you don't really need a 1x1 clear pixel.

C<<img src="" alt="">>

=item B<The 'bug' Script>

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

 use strict;
 use CGI;

 my $file = '/tmp/hncounter.dat';

    # That's a hex-encoded 1 pixel by 1 pixel transparent gif...ugly, 
    my $trans = '47494638396101000100f7000000000000003300006600009900'
+ .
+ .
+ .

    my $query = new CGI;
    print $query->header (-type => 'image/gif');
    print pack ('H*', $trans);

    my $counter = 0;

    (open OFILE, "<$file") && ($counter=<OFILE>) && (close OFILE) if (
+-s $file);
    (open OFILE, ">$file") && (print OFILE ++$counter) && (close OFILE


Welcome to... The Future!  OK, most of you prolly don't remember Fires
Theater.  Some ideas included providing a pointer to a directory of im
being able to upload a single file from the command line, logging, upl
a new image after a certain period, regardless of hits, all sorts of s
But at some point, the rampant featuritis has to stop, and code has to
+ be 
validated, checked in, and released.

=head1 SEE ALSO

[ar0n] wrote a script called ''hup'' located in the '' Re
Scripts'' section of the ''Code Catacombs that handles'' uploading sin
images, changing passwords, and is a general command line interface in
+to the
user settings page.  Check it out.


You B<must> be high.

=head1 AUTHOR

J. C. Wren E<lt>jcwren@jcwren.comE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2001 J.C.Wren. All rights reserved.

This is free software.  You can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 HISTORY

Revision 1.00.00  2001/11/25 23:35:03 jcwren
Initial checkin

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Home Node Image Rotator
by grinder (Bishop) on Nov 30, 2001 at 13:43 UTC
    That's a honkin' big pile of code for a single-pixel gif! I think you need to steal^Wuse dws's code for On-demand single-pixel GIFs to shrink it down to something tighter.

    grinder wishes PMSI was a Twitching Monk Software production too.

    g r i n d e r

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