George_Sherston has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I recently made a little script to come up with an index for the increasingly unwieldy Name Space thread. This led me into an area I've not explored before (one of many, I hasten to add), that of extracting info from HTML. I wanted something that wd go through the page and pull out a node number and name for the first post by each monk who had contributed to the thread. What I came up with was this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI qw(:standard :cgi-lib); use LWP::Simple; my $url =""; my $html = get $url or die "can't get url $!"; my %names; #find the names and node ids: while ($html =~ s/=(\d*?)&lastnode_id=110166">[^<]*<\/A><BR> by <A HRE +F="\/index\.pl\?node_id=\d*&lastnode_id=110166">(.*?)<\/A> on \w{3} \ +d{2}, \d{4} at \d{2}:\d{2}//s) { $names{$2} = $1 unless $names{$2}; } # print out a page of links to nodes: for (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %names) { print "<A HREF=\"/$names{$_}&lastnode_id=110166\" +>$_</A> | "; }
... which does the job, BUT the regex is big and fat and ugly, and I just wondered whether there was a more elegant, less impenetrable way to do it (i.e. I wondered how *many* such ways there were). I looked at HTML::Parser, but (and perhaps my inspection was too cursory) it didn't seem as though it wd help me much in pulling out bits of tags, as I need to here. Also, I felt that the while loop was a bit clumsy... but couldn't see a quicker way to capture two matches into a hash. I'd be very interested in any suggestions how to do this better.

§ George Sherston

Edit: chipmunk 2001-11-11