#!/usr/bin/perl # # Entries in the file and host list should be seperated with # a new row. spaces or other signs will make the script fail. # You can use comments in the host and file lists if you put # a '#' sign in the beginning of the line. # use Net::FTP; use strict; my $usage = "$0 filelist hostlist username password directory\n"; my $filelist = $ARGV[0] or die "$usage"; my $hostlist = $ARGV[1] or die "$usage"; my $username = $ARGV[2] or die "$usage"; my $password = $ARGV[3] or die "$usage"; my $home = $ARGV[4] or die "$usage"; my $debug = 5; our $nr1 = 0; open(FilesToGet, $filelist) or die "can't open filelist $filelist: $!\n"; open(HostsToGet, $hostlist) or die "can't open hostlist $hostlist: $!\n"; my @hostarr = ; chomp @hostarr; my $hostarrnr = @hostarr; my @filearr = ; chomp @filearr; my $filearrnr = @filearr; @hostarr = grep !/^#/, @hostarr; @filearr = grep !/^#/, @filearr; my $filearrnr = @filearr; my $hostarrnr = @hostarr; print "\nHosts: $hostarrnr\n"; print "Files: " . ($filearrnr * $hostarrnr) . "\n\n"; sub ftpbackup { if (my $pid = fork) { print STDERR "Connecting to $hostarr[$nr1]\n" if $debug > 3; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($hostarr[$nr1]); $ftp->login($username, $password); $ftp->cwd($home); for (my $nr2 = 0; $nr2 < $filearrnr; $nr2++) { print STDERR "Getting $filearr[$nr2]\n" if $debug > 3; $ftp->get($filearr[$nr2],("$hostarr[$nr1]." . $filearr[$nr2])); } $ftp->quit; exit; } } for ($nr1 = 0; $nr1 < $hostarrnr; $nr1++) { ftpbackup(); }